
I don’t think I articulated my point very well. A game like this costs far more than a mere $50k to make. It’s a bad kickstarter trend to undervalue game development for the sake of reaching the goal and receiving funding.

$50k to fully complete the game? A lot of work has been done, but... come on now. No.

The first and only sports game I’ve ever enjoyed. I think once the emphasis began being placed on simulation and real teams/players they lost the fun for me. Blood Bowl brought fun back to sports but um, doesn’t... really count.

It’s pretty rare to find a lender like you who actually has long-term clients though. I’ve had very personal experiences in the past with helpful lenders, but ultimately the mortgage is sold off 3 times over the following two months and you start to wonder why you didn’t just go with the lower rate.

This is just parenting? The kid is in college, not an adult. He said himself he was getting their financial support, the parents are probably working their tails off to help put him through school and want to make sure he finishes with a degree in case the esports dream goes belly up. It’s a bummer sure, but parental

Now imagine the legal thrills that would ensue if things had gone down differently last month and this modder were able to charge for it.

If I purchase this for PC, does it require the pro version on iOS as well in order to sync across both? The upgrade says, “- Automatic sync keeps everyone up-to-date” but that looks like it relates to shared vaults. I don’t really care about those pro features if so, would just go freemium and buy the desktop if they

If I purchase this for PC, does it require the pro version on iOS as well in order to sync across both? The upgrade

The best announcement EA could possibly make at E3 is that they are no longer restricting their PC game distribution to the Origin platform. Better for us, better for them.

Scalable UIs and text size sliders? What a waste of resources. Good developers know PC gamers want to see as much text on the UI at once as possible. It’s 2015, all of us should have an easy-detachable wall mount for our TV and a ceiling mounted chain to hang our televisions 12 inches from the couch for maximum

None of these all in one consoles ever have enough power bricks to support a sega cd/32x combo.

Oh, the headline was a real thing. I have Cloud to Butt enabled but was apparently amused au naturel.

While everyone else will validate the obvious reasons why this is great, I would like to add a more unusual one. Fully breaking down the language barrier may well be the next great achievement of humankind, and that will be wonderful. In the mean time however, hearing this man say “that would be sick” gives me an

I’d like to see how one of these feel, but I must say... I switched to a DS4 not long ago and couldn’t imagine anything feeling better. Have had zero compatibility issues, and it doubles as a mouse for those pesky “set the options in this little box before you click run” games. Haven’t yet had a single need to get off

I’d like to see how one of these feel, but I must say... I switched to a DS4 not long ago and couldn’t imagine

Damage numbers seem like a relic of old hardware. I would like to play RPGs with all calculations removed from sight. Like Dark Souls with UI and enemy health disabled. Now that we have such advanced graphics and animations, we should be able to play games that provide audiovisual cues as to action/reaction rather

Never. Most everyone visiting Kotaku shifted to this as soon as DLC, then complete editions became a thing. Many years later and vanilla releases are $60, even with pre-release DLC and season pass announcements. This model wouldn’t exist if people weren’t buying it. Hard to comprehend, but also hard to be upset about.

Some patent must have recently expired, because Groupon is also 90% memory foam mattresses and toppers right now.

Some patent must have recently expired, because Groupon is also 90% memory foam mattresses and toppers right now.

He nailed the bit about community and communication with fans on PC. Even if you don’t listen to their craziness, you can’t just sell it and forget it like you can with console games. Look at the Activision sale on Steam. Half of those games don’t even run without significant tweaks and outside patches. Loads of

Is there still a fully story feed somewhere? The VIP rss hasn’t worked in a very long time.

They get a cut for every clickthrough purchase, so it’s understandable. It is a shame that we can’t filter out tags via url anymore though.

They get a cut for every clickthrough purchase, so it’s understandable. It is a shame that we can’t filter out tags

ES File Explorer can sideload them? Or were you just complaining that the Amazon storefront is limited compared to full android, because that’s an incredibly valid complaint.

ES File Explorer can sideload them? Or were you just complaining that the Amazon storefront is limited compared to