
Professional cosplay does nothing for me. This guy however, is brilliant. Thanks for posting, I may actually visit the sister site now, just knowing this kind of cosplay exists and is captured for posterity.

It looks and runs like complete garbage (playing on the PS3 version), and I'm loving every minute of it. The thing is, it looks about the same as dark souls, which I thought was beautiful when it was released. I guess playing PC games the last couple years have spoiled our eyes a bit. Having a blast so far though,

Ugh, I hate this music so mu... hey, what are my hips doing? S... stop that, I said I hate it. And you, feet? This is becoming a full scale physical mutiny. At least my hands know not tojdsja djskadsjfkds

I was in a bad mood thinking about how many amazon CEs have come damaged, and you fixed it. Praise the sun.

Your Dark Souls II collector's edition will come from Amazon with at least $10 in damage from improper packaging though, so you'd really just be taking a loss on bad trade-in values.

Excellent, that's great info. Will definitely keep an eye out for a cheap arcade edition then, thanks. As a casual fighter fan who doesn't care about competing seriously, I have no problem waiting until a game is done and everyone else has moved on to start playing. I'm still back on guilty gear xx accent core

Thanks, that was a helpful reply.

So is it actually safe to buy this game now? Or will there eventually be an ultra street fighter IV anniversary edition or something. Eh, after waiting this long for it to be finished, I'll just get whatever version of IV is out when street fighter V is released.

It's been called out as a major failing of the system.

I hope these will be weighted eventually and only shown publicly when a tag is in the top 25% or so for the game. I think in the introductory phase the trolls are having fun but the full steam community will eventually balance this out. Hopefully the tag weight comes into play however, it would not be useful for a

I bet I know exactly where you quit too. In a warehouse with boxes and some archers? There are about 3 difficulty spike battles in the game, and that's the first one. It's basically at the beginning of the game. You're still getting accustomed to the job system and probably have a knight, some squires, and a

Dear Bobsplosion,

I've been playing this nonstop since it arrived busted up from Amazon. The single negative I can muster is that Agnes is generally terrible. I get that she's supposed to be naive, being isolated her whole life and whatnot. The writing for her isn't even bad, but when combined with the airy, vapid, emotionless

Ys Origin: Nightmare run because I hate myself

These look great to me, though the headphones + tails really don't work. I don't know if they were going for cute or if it really was a major oversight, but I'm not a fan.

I don't play D&D, but I would pay any amount of money to hear the recorded first take of that book, including any colorful commentary he wishes to provide.

I really appreciate it too. My two least favorite things to find when reading news are articles with videos, but no transcription or at least summary, and those horrible list "articles" with pictures that expect you to hit the next arrow to cycle through every item in the list.

So I haven't seen any news on this, is it announced for PC as well? I'd be interested in trying fable anniversary if it's going to be on Steam. Quite disappointing if it's an xbox-only thing.