
Well, in this short time they returned to me a working refurbished unit, same backwards compatible model as my old one! Great service, took nothing but a phone call and the effort to drive to Kinko's. I'm very pleased, thanks again for the recommendation.

The tentative specs sound nice and all, but I personally couldn't care less for sharper graphics, more power, etc. Backwards compatibility is the only feature I really care about for consoles. Old hardware will die, and without new hardware to play my collection of old games, buying the Orbis new is out of the

I'll support this. Name dropping Working Designs helped tremendously. I hope they get the backing for more localization and physical products.

They would. I don't think this is the greatest of players, I just found it in google images. Plus we all know that fighting the 3 hard mode bosses simultaneously means you should be playing vertically, not horizontally. Given the tombstones, I doubt this particular battle ended well.

Another Megashark that will eat you if you try to jump it.

Eh, I'm not concerned. Resident Evil has been irrelevant to survival horror for a long time now, and plenty of other games have stepped in to fill the gap. I actually appreciate the honesty about the direction of the franchise.

I have to agree. Humor can easily make a mediocre game fantastic. Costume Quest being a good example. Situational humor is still the best, but pop culture references really worked for that game.

I used FHWFP-MH9PX-3RKDH-2P9B9-FRJGG. Advertising or not, I'd say it's relevant to the topic, and very nice of you. I'll check it out tonight, thanks for sharing.

Now playing

I thought I was completely done with those straight music games until I played Sequence. All it took was a little twist on the DDR formula to give it refreshing new life. Also the incredible Ronald Jenkees.

I took your advice and ordered the repair. He made a note that I wanted a backwards compatible system if they have to replace it, but I'm still worried I'm going to get a slim back. For $130 though, that would still be hard to complain about.

Your 'protip' is just restating exactly what I hate about it. Filling up a binary morality bar by going through dialogue and selecting 'choices' is not fun, and doesn't feel like choice at all. Oh, but you don't have to pick either of those! Sure, then have fun playing the game without strong paragon/renegade.

So Sony repaired (replaced) your PS3 even though it had been refurbished by Gamestop? I was under the impression that they would not accept any console with the seal broken. Mine lasted a good 5 years because I spray the dust out frequently, but because of that the seal is broken.

I'd like your opinion on this matter.

I hope you enjoy it this time. I have an even worse taste in my mouth. I spent 20 hours collecting teammates and doing pointless fetching and tedious dialogue, and about 4 hours of actual story. The combat is mediocre at best, to the point where I wish you could skip it altogether. Not to mention the 'morality'

I'll be whatever I wanna do!

"to be placed on the packaging of any video game that is rated `E' (Everyone), `Everyone 10+' (Everyone 10 and older), `T' (Teen), `M' (Mature), or `A' (Adult) by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board."

Wow, I'm quite impressed that an executive would honestly compliment another game's succe..... Ahhhh, there it is...

I could never figure that out either. I played through the game with the fan translation, and enjoyed every minute of it. If quality concerns was their reason for not bringing it over, I must have missed the issues altogether. There are a couple questionable designs, like the mentioned controls not using IR, but no

Nobody can hope to stop Luvia, with their one mirrion twoops.