
Cool, it's a lot more fun with somebody you know playing in the same room. I got to about 130 myself, but wasn't brave enough to play on hardcore mode. I'm glad too, since I had one death around level 75.

@LoungeDinosaurian: If more people would buy niche games, they would release more obscure games on disc. The best way to fight this is to buy it and show that there is a demand for them.

@yanipheonu: If you're willing to pay a premium and wait a bit for a physical copy, Zavvi ships to the states for free. The PS3 is region free.

@Grand Arbiter: You lose all the free stuff you downloaded. Anything you paid for with a Playstation Plus discount is yours to keep even if you cancel.

Reach level 200 in Sacred 2 on Hardcore Mode (permanent death).

Can't wait to try this Bad Dudes combo with a friend.

I don't even know what the rest of this article is talking about.

Or simply launch the system with the most cost-efficient hardware specs at that time, and upgrade it every couple years when tech gets cheaper.

Always. It handles a library of tens of thousands of songs lag-free. No extra graphical nonsense in the interface. Plays all codecs. No need for separate audio and video software is a plus. Just personal preference.

@Chiefredbeard: I'll be honest, I quit the video about a minute in to open VLC as well.

He may think his products are far and beyond the competitors', but he sure sounds like he learned trolling and smack talk from playing on xbox live. Hmm...

Thanks to you, I just wasted an hour. That site is absolutely incredible.

You're one hundred percent wrong. I know exactly what the numbers "mean" and where they come from. Nielsen uses meter data, which is inherently selective and unable to keep up with any new industry trends. I trust a random survey more than Nielsen metrics.

@Omniel: They can't. Even if they are accurate, they're pointless and don't tell us anything. Their TV statistics are far worse. The Nielsen's are simply here for our amusement.

More Endless Ocean 2. Over a year later, and I still can't quit you.

Insecure gamers pointlessly generate extra publicity for medioce game.

Eh, don't take it personally. They are marketing to the widest audience. What kinds of games sell the most? Halo, Call of Duty, Madden, etc. It may not help gamers' social image, but they are going for sales, after all. I played Endless Ocean 2 for 15 hours this weekend. You'll never see that in a commercial.

Stick to what you do best, I reckon. I'm sure High Impact will do a fine job on any portable iterations.

This just reminded me that I have some more :Shift!2: to play.