
whoa there. I didn’t realize I was on Jezebel when I posted.

U dont thats life. Everyday when u go out in the world u take a chance with your life. Going through life being afaird of half the population is crazy.

Most men dont do this stuff though.

They don’t. Debates are just a chance to get caught putting your foot in your mouth. The dems are just shutting up and letting the Republicans self destruct. It’s working so far.

Some years back there was a salmonella outbreak where the source had been narrowed down to onions, jalapenos, or tomatoes. I’d had a weeks-long craving for homemade guacamole and pico de gallo, so finally I went charging into the grocery store all I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE THINGS THAT PLEASE ME, bought all my shit, made

It says Pinball and Wing Commander to me.

Interesting theory, but overlooks the damage that the industry does to itself in nickel and diming their product. Devalueing it and cutting it up to sell it for scraps.

Nah. When that boat goes 12 and 6 you’re really going to want the vertical perspective. It’s really the only time that’s acceptable.

At least we haven’t seen the nightmarish future he predicted in 1982, in which humans are servants to a master race of dogs.

The world would be quite different if 20 minutes watching Youtube could actually change your life.

Please. She took her top off in the middle of hosting a live tv show. Her tits were fair game. There is nothing offensive about what he said.

Then he bit the wheel of the hoverboard

I can’t with Mario Maker. I get it, but taking something that existed on the internet for years, combining it with Little Big Planet, who Nintendo executives outright said many years ago they were jealous of, loved it, and wished they had done it first should not be anywhere close to game of the year.

Maybe she backed something else up 😮

How did she manage to pass the CDL exam if she wasn’t comfortable with backing her rig up, or incapable of understanding basic weight information that truckers should know?

I wish this had been the box art...

“They bought food from someone that didn’t handle it well, they realize it, are sending it to a central facility to clean it better before it goes to stores.”

I am a lifelong Nets fan but regardless, this was one of the cruelest and most upsetting things I have ever seen.