Reimu you did say that Gil's comment was a continuation of the rape apologist narrative (because what else could the "narrative that sexual assault victims are somehow to blame for being sexually assaulted" possibly mean but that?).

I'm with SDZ. This sentence sounds like it is applying to Malik Gil: "This is just a continuation of the bullshit narrative that sexual assault victims are somehow to blame for being sexually assaulted."

fair point, but you quoted him in the article and then said he was part of the bullshit victim blaming narrative and that he was hinting at what Chris Herries said flat out. He was clearly talking about not offering a beer at a party because other people might think that he was trying to take advantage of someone and

I don't know if Malik Gil really qualifies as a "rape apologist". He's just dumbly concerned with how he appears rather than how other people feel.

While the World Is Not Enough isn't my favorite, I really really enjoy it and I feel I'm constantly defending it. So thanks :P

The N64 version of TWiNE is such an underrated game. Leagues better then Goldeneye ever was.

Mobile gaming.
Where good and interesting game concepts go to die due to pathetic business practices that have become the norm.

See, this is exactly why we need Yoshi's Story 2. No Mario in sight. Just the Yoshis doing their thing.

  • Game now titled "The Last Guardian Forever"

I'm more upset that it will also be coming to 360 than I am about the timed exclusivity. How are we going to embrace the next generation if we're holding games back to release them on older systems?

And then Tony Stewart ran him over and killed him

Now playing

Big deal, people get run over during altercations all the time.

For a moment, let's laugh at the nonsense of asking gamers to pre-order the Steam version of a game—that is, a downloadable copy of a game that is not at all bound by the laws of scarcity. We are not talking about pre-ordering an object that for some reason a game store might not have in ample stock on the day of said

I'm still pissed about the Roller Coaster Tycoon incident...


Yea TBH I'm not at all mad about this guy suing Sony over this, and I consider myself firmly in the pro-Playstation consumer group.

Companies need to be more honest with their product all around.

Waiting for mustachioed newcomer Werdna Elddib to take the boat racing scene by storm.

I don't usually say this, because I respect everyone's right to an opinion; you are wrong.