
Been playing a whole lot of Ace Combat Infinity lately, which is a F2P online co-op combat flight sim, exclusive to PS3. There's currently a tournament going on, with one of the top prizes being this absolutely swagalicious F-15S/MTD.

We are probably the only organization left that teaches young people not only leadership and character development, but that this world is a meritocracy and you've got to earn what you get.

This is fake. You can clearly see fries chancing position, and getting completely replaced. The same goes for the bun and meat. The main reason why the camera position chances every image is to cover this up.

Now playing

I agree Mr Piccolo, this is amazing! *WHOOOSH*

I see this as become a real problem once VR starts to mature in 5 years. Just like people now use drugs to escape their lives, a VR world could be very addictive to someone looking to escape reality.

Great. Now Marty will never meet his mom, she'll never meet George at the Enchantment Under The Sea dance because she will be too busy bailing dad out of jail, Doc Brown is going to change his vision from building a DeLorean time machine to inventing safer cars like this:

Share anything notable that you find in the report. Here's a song called "Brigham Young is a Goddamn Queer."

Does this mean we will soon be seeing what he meant when he wrote about Farting Women? :(

Now playing

I -KNEW- this incident at E3 was intentional!

Love that game but the character is so delicate. Dies from everything :p.

JensenMalik 5eva <3

It's first-person when you're out questing unless you get on a vehicle, though you do wear a helmet. But it goes third-person in the safe home-base hub area, and your character takes off his/her helmet.

Bungie has dropped hints that the rewards from the Iron Banner event may be permanent

Basically finished capping all three classes in two days. The game is THAT addictive. I want MORE MORE MORE.

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.

Better to be mindful about limits early than to run out of time and budget like ME3's final Earth segment.

I prefer a company that learns from lots of mistakes than a company that refuses to learn from a few.

>YouTube personalities