
If there is a possibility of permanently disabling each and every player in the game, I am sorely tempted to try and do it. Or alternatively, I will grab popcorn and watch a video of someone else doing it and trying to play a match.

+1 to the screenname change.

Now those shameless trophy addicts will be able to hide their Hannah Montana Platinums. I would have preferred it to stay as a permanent mark of shame.

If you were to play Battlefield 3 footage alongside Battlefield 4 footage I honestly probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I love this song.

Wow. What's the heritage build for that girl, Mike? No matter what I try, my girl ends up looking like a deranged coke addict.

You say The Last of Us, I say Tokyo Jungle

As part of the deal that allowed Square to pull off the crossover, all unique characters in the Kingdom Hearts games, along with the games themselves, belong to Disney. Square only has credit for developing the games, not owning them.

There's Disney property in his games, it's not outrageous to expect the same courteousy in reverse.

The entire casting decision is just part of a giant scheme devised to fuck over Trivial Pursuit.


I think 6 had some redeemable qualities, and the more I played it the more I liked it. However, it just wasn't the preceding games at all. Assault Horizon's level of general shit made me appreciate the good offerings of 6, like the fact that there was no dogfight mode, and there was no huge bullshit gamechanging shit.

Bought 3 on Amazon a couple days ago, it has yet to arrive. I can't wait.

put an orange beanie on top and it'll rap about baking cakes.


I didn't like that they introduced the High G turn in 6... made it impossible to really follow anyone.

Hopefully AC Infinity will keep the awesome, overblown, campy, anime-ish story elements of 5 with the big showdowns and confrontations of AC Zero. The missions where you'd take on entire enemy squadrons were sublime, especially considering the enemies would change based on how you behaved. (Did you spare crippled

Not all artists are trying to draw realistically. That's the whole point. But here you go, attacking and slandering people as 'HUR HUR THOSE VIRGINS' again.