
I like the Gamcube's start up. And how it would giggle if you held Z

Yeah. This is a bit of a stretch. The L and I are pretty clear to me.

I'm sorry, but if you think that says F**k you need your damn eyes checked.

That sand box shit killed it. :(

Oh yes! I played Burnout 3 so much on the original Xbox. Playing online was a blast!

I'm just happy I'm not the only person who has been pacing back and forth muttering angrily tom himself about how after Burnout:Takedown the series took a turn for the worse...

Thank you so much EA for always sticking your d*** in the pudding where it didn't belong in the first place...

I don't know if these guys are absolute geniuses (for creating the aforementioned games) or complete idiots (for not just expanding on the god-damn-almost-perfect formula (FU Paradise)). Yes, I am asking for a rehash cash cow. This is the games industry why is this so flipping hard to make happen.

Burnout 3 was the pinnacle of the series. I actually just bought a copy for PS2 a couple weeks ago and, let me tell you, it holds up!

No. No. No. No. No. What. Why.

KH3 is going to be a huge success so they would be stupid not to get her to sing the theme song for the next game.

Well unless we hear Simple and Clean or Sanctuary again, they fucking better get a new song from her.

As much as I'd love to praise Nintendo for their lovely ingenuity and their consoles...

Oh Ace Combat! How I yearn for your halcyon days!

If anyone is in a position to build a tyrannical, doomed, unfair society that it's impossible to escape from once you've entered, it's the people behind PayPal.

Not sure if it's fair to say the guy is 'stupid' and call it a day. Sounds like he has a serious videogame addiction problem and a serious disillusionment with how money making works. The guy needs help, not belittled as stupid.

I Love this. Even though the game centers around lawbreaking and exploitation there are a majority of people who ant to be legit. Man I love the gaming community :D

I buy as much stock as I can, just max out your purchase. I've found the stock gain is maxed about 2-3 minutes after the mission, so that's when I've been selling.

"over a million dollars in an hour"

I'm so angry at that game i bought it on itunes along with the tactics A tower defense game, for some reason it only works on ipod nanos and i didn't know that before trading to a touch. The last thing i think i did in that game was create a unit from red hot chili peppers' "can't stop".

Dammit. For a split second, I thought we were going to get a new Song Summoner.