
Animal Crossing x Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

Awww. No love for Tommy's Chili Cheese Fries?

Halo: Chief's Endless Runner Adventure.

I don't know why the guy's face peering through the keyhole made me laugh much harder than it should've.

Damn. I saw the picture of Tali and thought there'd be some dirt on the next Mass Effect game.

Now playing

Something something Team Ninja. Something something Jiggle Physics.

Jesus. My 3DSXL just keeps spoiling me while my Vita is starting to gather dust.


If you've never stayed up until 9 AM playing Virus Mode on Timesplitters 2 with your buddies, then you haven't experienced what multiplayer truly is.

Aw, no mention for GunZ: The Duel?


So... this means the Celebi giveaway event is delayed...

Hear hear. It's nice that Nintendo is giving the Smash love to the 3DS crowd and not just making it exclusive to the Wii U.

Look, Fox, I know you're in pain, but can you please make a less disturbing face? Thanks.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Oh Mawile, will you ever stop being awesome?

See, Rockstar, this is what happens when you keep NERFING MISSION PAYOUTS in order to get us to buy those micro-transaction cash cards.

Three words: