
While I never used Plan B myself as a teenager, I was involved in purchasing it once. I live in liberal California (not some crazy anti-birth control town) and it took three girls to successfully get a hold of it. On a school trip one of my friends got drunk with a senior (we were sophomores) and they had unprotected

Well sweetie, I apologize that I didn't draw direct bullet points as you did, but I promise my vitriol was directed at your comments (throughout this thread) which were in defence of the prof.

1.) Yeah, both of those are "bad," why would the ridiculousness of those policies be in doubt?

The guy is a professor of evolutionary psychology, though. If there's a discipline better suited to backing up arbitrary and problematic cultural beliefs with fake-ass "science," I don't know what it is.

Troll Alert! Troll Alert!! Remember Jezzies, this kind of topic brings out the trolls. So what do we do People?!

Never get into a facebook fight. That way lies madness.

"Augusto Pinochet was this country's staunch, true friend."