Actually, my nineteenyearold self was a lot better behaved than now. Because back then I still believed that being well behaved was the default for the majority.
Actually, my nineteenyearold self was a lot better behaved than now. Because back then I still believed that being well behaved was the default for the majority.
Your rage meter is broken and your perspective is skewed. And it is SO about the fuck. Because without it, you have nothing on that response and you know it. That is what is now pissing me off about you. Hey, I'm pissed for realz. Unlike the poster to whom you condescended. But that's okay, tho. It's just because you…
Fuck this response. Youre pretense at reasonableness failed before you even made it, at your condescending coffee comment. Everything after that is just pathetic pedalling. We all know you suck now.
Was that the year Kenny Loggins ruined Christmas?
When and where I grew up (Sweden, nineties), slut wasn't a thing. I can't recall ever worrying about how many people any given person I knew slept with. Not in gymnasiet (app: high school), not at uni and not at my first jobs.
All of these make me break out. I'm sure they are all excellent suggestions but for those of us who are crazy breakout prone, there just isn't a commercial cream or sunscreen that doesn't turn our faces into an itchy hell.
So tell me. Do you really, really - I mean, REALLY - like swords?
In three posts you went from: "Clueless and unsympathetic" to "entitled, whiney, condescending asshole with shit for brains." I'd post a slow clap gif but you aren't worth the bing.
I think I love Jezzlebezzle too. I wanna take that comment out and date it.
I love Weird Al so much. He is living proof that you can be gentle and still really funny. He has The Power of the Silly.
But they already set their boobiestandards to not enrage the boobophobes. Why is that okay while it is somehow a sign of weakness to re-evaluate their rapefriendliness? And why is it so imperative to you that they should always pick whichever side is more hatin' on wimmin? The whole "breastfeeding is gross by rape is…
You are also a False Equivalass. So don't you go bein' charitable to any false equivalences now, because then we know what a hypocrite you are.
Wtf did Jon Hamm - by all accounts a decent enough human being - do, to deserve the pent up frustrations resulting from general objectification? I would assume we want less objectification in the world, not more? That just gives false validity to any and all objectification. Get off his dick. He asked nicely.
Envious letter writer, I have one thing for you:
Seems to me you were exactly talking about people like her/him. The passive aggressive rant to which you are responding sounds quite a bit like weird fat shaming and confusingly opposite to the post that started the exchange. Not sure where the kittykat flipped to excusing bodyshaming but it sure got weird.
Well, you'd be wrong then. Now you can go on with your life and pay attention to your own issues, no need to thank me.
Reading comprehension. You don't have it.
Achievement unlocked: Crossfit Asshole Stereotype.
Piffle. She's a pageant mom who lets her child eat at all. That's a Win in itself. Theory and practice around healthy eating and trying to raise several kids on a budget are different things. It's way more complex than just "educating yourself" as you so charmingly, condescendingly put it. There's actually no proof…
I am a Swedish lady and I approve this message. I have my goat license and everything. Goat me!