
Try changing the skin in the preferences. Personally I always like olddefault, but there are a bunch. As far as I can tell, none of the others have the audio visualizer.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you experience less gain from from your proposed system than if you took the turbines out. i.e. put in the angled shroud with ducts, but don't put turbines in them and it would be more efficient.

I would like to point out that many (all?) debit cards are supported by a credit card company, and can almost always be used as credit instead of debit at the machine/register. When used as credit rather than debit, most debit card users experience many of the security benefits that credit card users enjoy (such as

I jumped to the comments to see if anyone else noticed when I read that line.

What's the time scale of the video?

Maybe I missed it, but I don't see it mentioned how this will effect shelf-life of foods that currently contain trans-fats. I assume we now have other ways of increasing shelf-life (preservatives,etc...), but if one of the major benefits of trans-fats was the increased shelf-life will food without trans-fats have a

Ok, I didn't know that. In that case, I guess the author either didn't think/know of RT desktop mode, or was implying that on an RT you'll probably spend most of your time in Metro mode rather than in the desktop.

I don't have Windows 8 so I can't say for sure, but wasn't the major difference between Window 8 and Windows 8 RT that RT has no Desktop mode. RT is intended to run on ARM processors, which normal desktop apps won't run in (without emulation which is usually really slow).

While the bootloader is not fully unlocked, there is a way to install custom recoveries (and therefore roms/kernels). Check out XDA for details. The only requirement, if on a US carrier version of the S4, is that you have to "loki" any Kernel before flashing it.…will get

As a note for anyone who read your comment and isn't aware:

Sadly enough, this has happened frequently enough to various sites, previous commenters have coined the term "lifehackered". I haven't seen it used much recently, but I know I've seen it a couple times.

It doesn't use a nice interface, but if you go to the windows command prompt cmd.exe, go to the root of the drive (cd C:\ if C drive or cd \d [drive_letter]:\ etc.. if another drive) that contains the hard links and type
dir /al /s
it should give you a list of all hardlinks and junctions on the drive as well as the

From what I know, it depends on the battery and where you're using it. While the most accurate measure is definitely current, voltage can be relatively accurate for Alkaline batteries because of the nearly linear dropoff (until they get really low). If you're always using them in the same device(s) try measuring the


I would say, depending on the device you're using them in above 1.0v-1.1v should be relatively good for low voltage devices, while high voltage devices should probably stay above 1.2v-1.3v. Alkaline batteries have a pretty linear dropoff (the voltage will continue dropping as you use them). There is no definitive

My boss, who is a good programmer but not what I would call techy (he admits he doesn't like to experiment with computers much) has over 11,000 unread email in his gmail account. Every time he wants to show me something or ask me a question I have a hard time paying attention when he leaves his gmail open on one of

I was actually really surprised no one else noticed/mentioned the Hitchhiker's reference.

I can't wait for the people who have never read the book complaining how that wasn't in the movie.

I remember being forced to write in cursive in elementary school. We were also forced to write most things in pen. We were told that in high school writing in pencil and writing print would not be tolerated. After leaving elementary school, the only time I used cursive is on the little "I agree ..." portion of the

Not quite, that statement is taken out of context. An object must be launched from earth's surface at that speed to escape earth's gravity. A rocket travelling at a constant speed is simply spreading that energy out over a longer time.