
An extension like StyleBot (or Stylish) would also work. I mentioned userscripts because chrome has native support for them.

I haven't done it (don't really read the times). But you could probably make a quick user script for chrome (or greasemonkey on firefox) that automatically sets the display of the overaly to none.

I used to use 1Weather, but uninstalled it because it became confused about my location when issuing weather warnings. I live at a high elevation pretty far from any coast, but would get multiple "Coastal Flood Warning" notifications from 1Weather. (I had never had any other location set in the app, or on my phone)

I wasn't trying to be condescending, I was just noting the irony in that particular typo . Also, I blame gizmodos tag system, since this post showed up near the top of my sidebar, so I assumed it was recent (didn't look at the date of the article).

I find irony in the fact that you used "alot" in your post, instead of "a lot".

I believe it says in the article that the pi A (the new one) uses 1/3 the power of the the pi B.

Oops! That was me misremembering something from physics. What is more accurate (and what I really should have said) is that weightlessness is commonly defined as the lack of any force opposing your weight.

Weight is usually defined (in science/engineering) as the force opposing gravity. In the case of someone on the ground, this is usually provided by the ground. I believe they meant that for 25.2 seconds, there was little to no air resistance opposing gravity.

Considering CM10 is jelly bean, I should hope so. This app is only for phones running versions of android from before ics.

Not sure if I'm reading the article wrong, but I think you're a bit confused about what this update did. It didn't enable "Flow through space" in all text fields, it enabled Flow in all text fields. It was Flow itself, and not just "through space" that wasn't enabled for most text fields. Granted Flow through space is

In android, depending on version, this is entirely unnecessary. I know it's been said before, but android will close your app after you leave it when it starts to run low on memory. Android keeps programs in memory after you leave it, so that it will load faster the next time you open it. This is why most android devs

Well I feel entirely stupid now. I wasn't really thinking much about the sentence, saw the que and assumed he left off the ue.

I believe you may have wanted queue.

I don't use Firefox anymore, but one of the nice things about it was always about:config. Check if it's in there (may be difficult to find). Warning: Some of these settings can break Firefox if not set correctly, so make sure you've done your research before changing anything.

Actaully, I don't think you would be able to check before hand. It uses GSM (cellular antenna triangulation on the GSM band) to find your location, which is much less accurate than GPS. You could use it to determine what airport it's at, but not which plane it was on.

I would assume because the amount of energy needed to power the laser would most likely exceed the power generated.

I believe most people here are referring to taking the toothpaste on an airplane. Since TSA guidelines limit liquid containers to 3 ounces, a full size toothpaste container would be confiscated.

Also, don't forget that until it hits non-negligible air resistance it will speed up the closer it gets to Earth.

Ah, I see. I didn't catch that, so my bad.