
Yes, but I was making a reference to the fact that many people only use candles for decoration (not me) or when the power goes out.

I need an opportunity to test this. Somebody please hack into the power grid and take down all the power in the northeast for about two hours. Thanks.

I may be wrong, but isn't the only video output on this device HDMI? I know many monitors have HDMI but unless you have one or a flat screen TV, you'll end up having to buy an HDMI to DVI or VGA converter, costing more money. Wouldn't it make more sense to include a VGA port since almost all monitors have one and even

Unfortunately, some developers just don't get the idea of "subliminal" advertising. I personally am fine with a small ad on the side/ bottom as long as it doesn't get in my way. Many developers are more likely to use the "BAM!! in your face" kind of ads that cover up the content and make me go out of my way to use the

I think people need to get the definition of desktop straight. Personally I use it to refer to my bulky overpowered gaming PC that is by no means portable. (Carried it all the way uphill to a LAN Party once since I didn't have a car at the time. not fun) While there is the more obvious definition of the home screen on

I can't see that as being a reliable method for them to use since almost every browser on android (maybe not the stock one haven't checked) allows you to change your user agent to that of a desktop computer. Some even allow you to change the browser or OS reported. I don't tether much but if I did and that was their

Except technically it would no longer be your birthday. Because the calendar would be changed, it would no longer be exactly X years since your birth. It would be X years plus or minus a few days depending on when your birthday is.

I feel that I personally need an alarm that checks if my class is cancelled and then turns itself off. That would be the best alarm until it malfunctioned or just failed to go off.

Anyone else notice what looks like blood on the dispenser and his hand?

Personally that's what I love about chrome. I can middle click a link and keep reading on the same page and switch over when I want to. Though I can see how it would be annoying if that's not what you wanted.

I believe you meant maim.

While true (and something many people fail to understand about the first amendment), it would be interesting to see if the artists' contracts actually state that they can't do something like this. If not, megaupload may have a case.

While that's true, I don't see that really being a problem. The requirement is less to stop someone from faking a real campaign ad, and more to make sure someone at least shows it to the candidate. It's more of a guarantee that the candidate was at least involved in some way. Most people on the campaign aren't trying

It's to prevent someone in his campaign from creating an ad that is controversial or illegal (making up random untrue facts) and running it without his approval. Requiring that at the end is supposed to make sure he knows and is responsible for the contents of the advertisement.

Reading my comment again, I realized it sounds a little condescending. Sorry about that. I should not have assumed you didn't read (not skim) the article. Also, I can see how you could think that but I'm pretty sure "notified" implies they can't limit who can buy them at one time and that we just weren't supposed to

opens at 6pm for everybody, read the link. The public just wasn't supposed to know about it until Monday morning.

I agree with this statement.

Hate to break it to you, but this is Gizmodo.

Companies who were already late in producing a new phone. Companies who needed some big selling point for this phone that average people would care about (not just better specs).

Would this work for a picture of a barcode found online? Not that I'm trying to "cheat" the system, but I won't be able to get to a store on Saturday (or Friday night).