
You know, as much as I'd like to call this fake, I've had weirder happen to me so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

You're right on the proprietary cards, but the Vita slim uses the standard micro USB port that most phones use now a days.

If it helps at all, they tend to release costume packs, so you could get every swimsuit, for instance, for $10 when it would cost $15-16 to buy them separately.

So I bought Tales of Graces F on launch day ($60) then bought all the DLC non-in game costumes ($100).

I wanted the smaller version both for the faceplates and the size. I have the Zelda OoT 3DS (the nice black with gold accents one) and I love the size of it to bits, its' just that the corners are a little too sharp for extended gameplay sessions. The N3DS is both the right size, only a shade bigger, and the swappable

I have this issue, except it's an obnoxious boss instead of a co-worker. For a long time I would just generally complain that he was annoying, but one time when I was venting to my mum she asked what is was specifically that I didn't like. Recognizing the specific ways he annoyed me has helped a bit in dealing with

Despite already know that my boyfriend's family is Mormon, I did dig in to my BBQ and then started asking the bf why he wasn't eating while everyone else just stared at me.

Oh lawdy smoking/tobacco. My BF did snus for a while (little paper tobacco plugs you wedge between your gums and lip) and I refused to kiss him if he had used one recently, but it wasn't a total deal breaker. Then he tried to use those e-cigs that pretty much smell like cigarettes sprayed with fake fruit scent and I

I found out about a dealbreaker I never knew I had just last week.

This is why I will be buying a PS4, but since Japan is notoriously slow to move up to the next gen consoles I won't have a need for one until we get the PS4 Slim.

Same here. Mine's still running great with Lollipop and it's the perfect size for me. I see no reason to switch to the monolithic Nexus 6, and unless the Z3 gets NFC charging off Verizon I can't see any reason to get a different device.

Literally the only thing keeping me from this phone is the lack of NFC charging. I've gotten so used to it with my Nexus 5 and Moto360 that I can't go back. You'd think it would have been a slam dunk to give a outdoor-proof phone wireless charging, but no phone has everything you'd want.

I've been considering altering some of my t-shirts because I tend to get a lot of cool ones that are from obscure shows or games I like, but they only come in men's sizes so they never look good on a girl.

I'd love to test drive some cars, but I don't want to deal with sales people at dealerships and their pressure to buy.

I'm having this fear/dilemma now. I've been sort of looking for a new vehicle since I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee that isn't getting used to its potential (it has 4-all and a towing package, I drive 10 miles on city streets every day and rarely go out of town).

I actually have the old style cloth one (from the Kickstarter campaign) but it's about the same and I love it to death. It holds all my millions of bank and loyalty cards (as well as IDs and certification cards) and still fits in about half of my girl pockets, which is more than I can say for any other wallet I've

From what I've heard by talking to various guys about it, it's pretty similar to the symptoms of very bad period cramps with the pain and nausea.

Since half my family is in Canada (with me and the other half being in the states) I finally got a chipped card for when I go up North.

You do know that they remade P3 after P4 came out for the PSP, right? It has P4 combat and the option to play as a female MC along with some other small story and side-quest changes.

On the forgetting an important item front: I just went to the big Miku Expo and concert in LA a few weekends ago with my boyfriend who had only flown once before. He was planning to meet me at work and then we would walk across the street to the airport. I had made sure to remind him about 50 times while he was