
My boyfriend and I went to the Saturday concert in LA with VIP tickets and both days of the expo. We even dressed up on Sunday and had our pictures taken a bit. It was amazing to see how many people came out to a little venue to celebrate and support the vocaloids and how many of those people had flown all the way out

This should still be true with the bigger stuff at Fry's Electronics. I used to work as the greeter and would have to check off all the big bulk purchases that customers would bring up (stuff like a giant TV, Blu-Ray player, sound system all together) and the sales guys would give huge discounts because they could use

Or in my case:

Oh man, this reminds me of a roommate I had about a year back.

Piggy backing on NFCU, there's USAA if you're in any branch I believe, although it's a big bank not a credit union.

Sure lady, my phone number is 555-rly-nope and my email is


Both my first and last name are kinda uncommon. Not "Jolyena" or super old time-y, just not really used. I've only met one other girl with the same first name and I've never met another girl with my middle name.

I can only think of 3 Richards off the top of my head:

Seconded. Even though my home desk has pretty good lighting, it's still easier to see the backlit keys on my keyboard than the painted on ones. Also, there's no paint to wear off!*

Agreed 100%. I've used mechanical keyboards and although the sound isn't the biggest problem for me (the clacking is a little fun sometimes) it's the amount of pressure needed to depress a key is too much. I can type really fast and accurately on my laptop style keyboard at home because they respond to just a light

I can see waiting 90 days before taking vacation, but a year sounds absurd to me.

That's certainly admirable and I think I went though about 3-4 playthroughs and mapping out which door choices I made before I heard that going through the final path before doing the special other ending got you a lame dead end. I went to a non-spoiler guide that just said door # -> door # -> door # in the end.

Seconding the Fry's discount, though I haven't worked there in about 2 years. As I remember, you paid whatever Fry's paid, which was sometimes a great deal, and sometimes a few cents. Those ridiculous Monster cables we pretty cheap, but movies, PC parts and most of the nicer stuff wasn't much of a deal.

There was a "tell" unrelated to the numbers on the doors that let you know if you were making the right choice or not, but iirc it didn't pop up until just after you made the door choice. So even if you knew what to look for you'd have to make a door choice, figure out if you picked wrong or not, then reload.

I find this vaguely hilarious because my boyfriend's mom (he and I are both mid 20's) calls him every so often and he just about never answers the phones or responds to texts within an hour. So she ends up calling me when he hasn't gotten back to her after two days or so just to ask if he's still alive (he's very

Oh, that's not mine, it's just a pic I found on the internet. The date and time look fine though?

T-Mobile gives discounts to military and government workers, as well as veterans. I think it's 15% and you can still get them without being grandfathered in (since they dropped all new applications for discounts back in April, aside from the ones I just mentioned)

I like the Skeletool for the tools it includes (the knife with a normal and serrated edge, pliers, wire cutters, screw driver (both types), carabiner/bottle opener) and because it's fairly lightweight. My only complaint would be that it gets rust along the joints every 2-3 years, though that could be because I keep it

Normally I'm the last person to get with any sort of new technology, especially something as seemingly useless as a smart watch, but I surprised myself by backing the Kickstarter (no idea why) and got a white Pebble.