You mean the group of people who managed to storm the U.S. Capitol and mostly walk away with their lives?
You mean the group of people who managed to storm the U.S. Capitol and mostly walk away with their lives?
He just wants to be able to play Mario Kart on his PS5.
That would be wicked heavy.
Thanks for the “38 questions white people are allowed to ask people who stand as soon as the plane lands.”
Ships will still have longer-ranged missiles that (hopefully) can intercept inbound ballistic weapons. Fun fact: If a MIRV was inbound, and required a 1-second laser burst to burn a hole in it, the MIRV would travel about 7km while it’s being lased. Also, for a MIRV during reentry, would the fact that it’s surrounded…
Could they hook up a beam splitter or a spinning mirror to one of these lasers to make a wider beam of light to take out several targets at once? Or, have the beam splitter make a pattern of laser light to take out spam-fired missiles? Have the laser beam trace a “#####” pattern in the air, and you’d essentially have…
I can’t wait until they develop a podded laser for B-1's.
If your dad was a Phantom driver, you should show him Iron Eagle 2, where F-4's play MiG-29's.
If you pay for, and then drink bathwater, you deserve to get sick. What, do you think you’ll gain her “powers” or some bullshit? This isn’t Arrakis. Water is plentiful. You don’t need to drink a stranger’s sweat and body funk, and maybe soap.
I want to go to one of these conventions and act like I have the flu. Just start hacking and coughing and sneezing around everyone. And of course, have someone film it.
But..who was the other player? I was hoping for a fun cameo, like Everett Ross, Dr. Sterns (Mr. Blue), Thunderbolt Ross, Loki, Trevor Slattery, Darcy, Monica Rambeau, Netflix Daredevil, the Grandmaster, or some other character we’ve seen. Or, make it Daryl, Thor’s old roommate! Instead, Noobkiller69's identity will…
If Howard invented the big Arc Reactor at the Stark Factory, what if it was made from lessons learned while Howard was at SHIELD, working with Project Pegasus and the Tesseract? Basically the big ARC reactor is really powered somehow by the Space Stone? Bluish color, blue beam to the sky, mysterious power source, etc.
Doesn’t anyone remember Star Trek’s “A Taste of Armageddon” or SG-1's “The Other Side?” All-remote wars are bad things! Look up the psychological problems some of our drone pilots are having, and you can easily see that “protecting” the crew by removing them isn’t the best strategy. We’re forgetting General Lee: “It…
He’s actually drinking a cocktail CALLED “the Incredible Hulk.”
I like the McChicken with no mayo, add tartar sauce. It basically replaces the mayo with mayo, onion, and pickles. I call it the “McSeagull.”
They’re going to send Star-Lord to London for a while to mess around with Denarian Saal.
It’ll be funny if she’s in the movie for a lineless cameo in like, 1 Wakanda scene. They just needed another surviving body to fill up the poster, and her part doesn’t rate her top billing. Then all this knicker-twisting will be over nothing.