RedHead Kevin

It will be interesting to see a demographic breakdown of ticket sales. Did more women go to see this movie than the other MCU movies? Did the controversies have any effect? Or was the audience still predominantly white males, just as with any comic book movie? Did the whole “Girl Power” thing draw girls to the

Facts? Proof? How dare you make a statement so racist? Asking for facts and proof are the antithesis of what the internet is all about. #metoo.

“Just over 70 percent of those characters were white. Conversely, only about 12 percent were black, while less than 7 percent were Asian or Latinx.”

I used a carpet shampooer once.  I thought I was a clean person, until I saw what came out of the rug.

Repeat after me:
1973 was 46 years ago.
46 years is a long time.
People grow, learn, and change in 46 years.
Making amends is a thing.

Seriously, I don’t agree with what Steven Tyler did with a teenager. I think it’s creepy as hell. But this happened in 1973. She was 16, and he was a 24 year-old rock star. It was a

Whatever. Maybe your favorite team, whoever they are, will do better against the Patriots in the Super Bowl next year.

Tomorrow’s Gawker headlines: “Trump fells a virgin Amazon rainforest so he can build his border wall entirely with the teeth of endangered Pygmy sloths” 

I think I might be the only one who liked Snyder’s movie. As Superman, in a Superman movie, it wasn’t good. But take the plot and remove that it’s Superman. You have an alien, who was destined from birth to be great, sent to another planet to save his life. The new planet gives the child super powers, which he uses as

I have something to say to the author, as well as the rest of the media, and white people. I say we start a new movement:

Did you just call facts racist? Or do you mean that racists hide behind “facts” to promote their racist narrative? Sure, racists (and SJWs, let’s be fair) can pick and choose facts to promote anything. I’m sure both CNN and Fox News have fact checkers, and much of what each network puts out is “factually correct.” But

Why shouldn’t the refs, who are making decisions that will cost literally millions of dollars, have access to the same slo-mo equipment as Joe Beercan watching the game at home? The refs should be able to make the most accurate call possible. When 50 million Americans see Edelman miraculously miss a punt, they can see

Here’s The Atlantic (complete with some transparently coded racist language)

I didn’t forget that racism is a thing. It sucks that it was ever a thing. But this wasn’t a race issue. It was a drunk getting what he deserved. If he was a black guy, I’d have said he deserved a beating. If SHE was a white woman, I’d say he deserved a beating. If she was white and he was black, I’d say he deserved a

*Rational post*
-Shut the fuck up.
-Because you are stupid.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Internet.

Why? Tell me one thing in my post that’s wrong. 

Wow, that makes things easy. Poor? Because I’m black. Failed a class? Because I’m black. Got my ass beat up? Black.
Must be nice to never have to take responsibility.  Shame I’ll never know it.

What racism? Seriously. People can be assholes without being in the Klan.

Holy Lord, I love The Root. It’s the only website where they can take a drunken bum being pissed at a McDonald’s employee, and turn it into “Praise Black Jesus, she struck a blow against Mr. Charlie.” Listen to this again. Who uses the N-word? Who? Yeah, that’s right. NOT the white guy. Only your “generous,”

But...she’s a comedian.  Isn’t “being funny” literally the job description?

“Drag ‘King’ performs at fundraiser dressed in blackface.”
This is a great way to confuse SJWs: “If we say anything, are we being transphobic? If we don’t say anything, are we being racist?” I just want to see Gawker writers completely lock up trying to resolve the paradox.