But the meat is a bit flavorless so add a lot of salt.
On a spit with an apple in his mouth.
Apple in mouth, Hawaiian style....
Such a namaste woman!
People laugh, but she was brave enough to marry a mortal even though her mother is dead set against it.
After last night, I’m feeling a Warren/Harris ticket. So guess I’ll have a kale caesar at the buffet today.
“What’s an F5 poop tornado like?”
citation needed
Joanna Dark vs Snake smashdowns would be sweet.
You asked. We listened
you can say that again
Search and Rescue helicopter pilot guy here. In case any of you are wondering if this will happen to you after falling off a cliff face or something and needing an airlift, it won’t if they do their jobs right. In the organization I fly with you have to use a line attached to the litter that’s held by a member of the…
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.