
Man, Aquaman’s top 10 villains include two dudes who only appeared once, and an actual clown who got kidnapped by pirates?

Yeah, but this one really just got one episode.  Easily could’ve been a 2-3 episode arc.  Honestly, ‘97 has been very good so far, but each episode probably should’ve been 2. 

“She will return with a vengeance”? Somebody’s bad at this.

I never had any idea where I should be going to capture/grind.  If you walked into a new area, would it be appropriately leveled for you, or were you gonna get smacked by level 50+ pokemon that your level 20 team doesn’t stand a chance against? Same with the Gyms and the Giant Pokemon.  It’s an open world that

Wizards already got paid for these cards, they were stolen from a game store.  And with insurance likely paying for a new shipment, this just means Wizards gets paid twice.  They should send the thieves a fruit basket in prison. 

I think people are missing Fury’s “Nobody calls me Nick” from this episode.  Who called him Nick last episode? Rhodey. 

I feel like “Annoying” is not really the same as “Controversial”

It’s technically coming out this summer, but they announced it recently at Adepticon, which is a huge wargaming hobby convention. Games Workshop also just had their big Golden Demon painting competition at Adepticon and Warhammer Fest, so there’s a lot of news out there about Warhammer right now.

I think I’m slightly older than you, I think I was about 13 or so when I read Sorcerer’s Stone. Blasted through it in a day (and most of a night) and was hooked. I’m definitely struggling with my nostalgia vs. memories like you described, but I’m having a kid in August and I think it’s time to let the past die. I

We have never seen this type of content trend on our platform and have blocked searches for years to help discourage copycat behavior

Moff Gideon was broken out of New Republic custody and that whoever did it was wearing Mandalorian armor.

They’re going to hook up.  There, now you don’t have to watch it. 

I’ve been reading about and collecting 40k since the end of 2nd edition, and playing since basically 4th... And somehow this is the first time I’ve ever seen Dante’s first name.  I had no idea his name was Luis. 

A confidential source within Wizards told me that making money was the intention behind the OGL revision.

This is a show starring kids! Anyway, here’s Jude Law. 

Not sure whether it’s good or bad that they aren’t adapting the sequel trilogy.  I enjoyed it, but it’s definitely a big departure from the movie. 

Y’know, can we see a movie that takes place in like, Batman Year 5? Give me a hyper competent Batman, give me a Robin (Hopefully Tim, lol).  I think we can stop with the “Batman just starting out” and “Batman who kinda sucks” and “Super dour, mentally ill Batman” and jump into Superhero Batman. 

Yeah, but her question back: “With you, or with you?” kinda puts lie to that, since he indicates he’s down for either. 

Did Amos and Bobbie hook up on Ceres? Kinda expected that to come back up. 

The ratings would be too powerful.  No other shows would get any views at all.