Mood at work
Perhaps the true iron throne was the friends we made along way.
I think the one thing that is irritating me more than GOT Season 8 is all the people who think they are so edgy for not watching the series.
No, you can’t spell fanatic without “fan” but insisting that no one can criticize something unless they can do it better is the dumbest fucking argument ever. By that logic Gordon Ramsey can serve me a burnt steak but until I get 16 Michelin stars of my own I can’t say anything.
You heard it here first, folks; nobody can criticize a tv show until they’ve produced their own show first. Also, being annoyed at a television episode means you have no personality or any other interests whatsoever.
I do not miss things such as leveling up weapon skill. Get a shiny new axe in a raid after using primarily swords leveling up? Enjoy autoattacking mobs for 4 hours to get your skill maxed out so you don’t miss half your attacks =T
At least all those people who decided to skip voting in 2016 because Hillary wasn’t inspiring have that sweet, sweet moral high ground to hang out on.
“Donald Trump (and Mitch McConnell) enabled this by selecting two right-wing Catholics to give conservatives a firm majority on the Supreme Court.”
What’s the chances she lied about her age also?
Then you are free to help me move.
Solid contender for worst fucking episode.
Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:
Coincidentally, the phrase “he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.
You may have a point, but I’ve designed an ultra lightweight armor using the plot of the show itself.
Ayo Comey....
“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”
It just goes to show you that in a world of nearly 8 billion people, 2 people can share the same terrible take.
The crowding’s gotten so bad that they’ve had to establish an overflow camp for secondary characters. Few will survive the winter.
Iron Man 2 is, of course, very bad, but I still think the Iron Man briefcase is one of the cooler moments in the franchise. Later movies got way over the top with Iron Man’s armour, with them automatically latching onto him or shooting out of a satellite, but the briefcase suit is a far more interesting emergency suit…