
Wait a minute. This just gave me an idea. Is Blood Drive the origin story for Pixar’s Cars? It is, isn’t it?

Because blood is thicker than water? And that’s because oil and water don’t mix because oil once cheated on water with olives.

At least it didn’t ruin his hair.

Sessions was referring to Hawaii. Its unclear whether or not Sessions knows that Hawaii is one of the fifty states or if he was just being racist.

Yeah I’m thinking that ‘five facts about my awesome wife’ tweet is a pretty big tell. She must be PISSED.

It needs to be connected to WiFi so that it can cost $400.

Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.

Speaking as someone who escaped from a cult-like religion, it’s completely plausible that her learning curve continues for some time. I’ve accepted that I will never catch up to the pop culture knowledge common to my cohort and there are still pretty basic things that I lack knowledge about in the real world, despite

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

Just fyi, that $800 million drop represented about 4% of their overall valuation.

Hey, if you’re here to say this guy is faking it, just looking for a payday, or should have just followed police-state instructions and this is all his fault, allow me to preemptively invite you to go fuck yourself.

You’re good at this.

I think the key point, though, is that she wanted there to be more than one character. If there’s just one token character representing a minority, there’s pressure on them to represent the whole group. Any flaws they had could be taken as impugning the entire category of people, so the safest path is to idealize

I didn’t take “allow them a Lucy!” to mean “make one of them a main character.” Earlier in the letter, Glickman kept talking about how “even Lucy” counted as a good character, implicitly saying that she was a good character despite her abrasive qualities as the strip’s primary antagonist. And the line came after her

Even his expository small talk was filled with his accomplishments rather than his shortcomings.


By the way, C is the only letter in YMCA that is not symmetrical, which makes it the trickiest letter of the bunch. Makes you think.

Yeah well my father invented Toaster Strudel.