
Also, the fact that they’re aiming for that one to be helmed by a female director feels... icky.

They tried to go back and found a team of teen aged Xmen already there. That made them suddenly think their past time line is gone or was different than everyone believed. Bendis swore this was not the case but here we are. Another theory is that when the last big Universe reboot happened, time filled in the blanks

I was driving with my girlfriend the other day talking about Rachel and we decided she need a better codename. We tried out a bunch of Phoenix and Marvel -related names, but all of them had been used or were no good.

Also, you can be an adult and have friends of the opposite gender. If you’re an adult and in a trusting, committed relationship, this should not be a problem, Mike Pence.

Only if they included Kiera Knightley as one of the Cables. This would be awesome.

So the best thing would be if Cable continually blinks in and out of time, coming back as a different actor throughout the movie.

Break-It Ralph 2: Ewrecktric Boogaloo

Maybe I’ve watched too many Guardians of the Galaxy trailers but when this went “AAAaaahhhhahaaaaahhhhh” I heard “Won’t you take me home tonight.”

Does anyone actually still give a shit about Venom as a character?


You win today.

Iron man. Iron Man

Somehow...possibly because I was doing a few interviews about Hawkeye at the same time and got confused about what I’d said where...but also possibly because I am a narcissistic asshole...I neglected to talk once about my insanely gifted art team in this whole interview.

If this takes away my X-23 Wolverine I will be pissed.

I scored 7 on the list. Fortunately I think creationism is bullshit and I’m a dope smoking middle aged homo so the threat I pose is limited.

Plus that David’s attempt at an English accent sounded more like Patrick Stewart than anything else, perfect because he was voicing his father.

Iron Fist sucks.

This show started out as a passing curiosity, but became must-see viewing by the end of the first season. The stoke is high for the third.

If you’re using an iPad mini or an iPhone SE, you get “Three Way Bestiality Midget Porn”; larger devices get “Three Way Bestiality Porn” as you would expect. I hope that this clears up this issue for you.

Trump is the gift that never stops giving.