“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”
“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”
If this guy doesn’t factor in somehow, I’m starting a damn riot:
49 stars on this mess what the fuck
they got what they all deserved for ordering papa johns and pizza hut
Yes, because these people are idiots.
Trump wants his people in charge of his protection instead of the secret service. He is hampered by service agents being close all the time. It limits the amount of graft he can perform. They have to follow the law while protecting him. His people won’t be constrained by anything so mundane as rules. Chavetz has…
I dont know mucht about security and protection but wtffffff is Chafey talking about? Isnt an outsider the last person you would want in this department? I feel like decades of experience would be the best possible thing for this position.
Nah, he just wanted to extract that extra bit of kinetic energy via regenerative braking while Passat owner couldn’t see it and help VW restore some of that air it polluted over the years. That’s an extra 0.62 Euros he recovered right there.
+1 Flag Code violation
Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.
I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.
What if my bootstraps cost $6 million?
The Republican obsession with repealing the estate tax is a prime example of this phenomenon.
Does it matter that it’s shopped? It’s Bannon.
Eat all the dicks, please.
Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.
You get that 3 month vacation, though!!!! And you never work past 3!!!! And you’re just glorified baby-sitters!!!
The amazing thing about the teachers union thing is this, by all metrics states with a strong union out perform states considered “right to work”.
Bitching about teacher’s union is a thing because it, I dunno, people are pissed we still get benefits or something.
Trump: “What skin color are the people in Haiti?”
Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.