
I’ve never called an elected representative in my life. I just did. I expected to have to leave a voicemail, but someone picked up on the first ring! This caught me off guard, so I stammered my way through what I wanted to say about the last couple of weeks, especially this weekend. Who knows if the congressperson I

Not with PETA it isn’t. These assholes are hypocrites through and through. They claim that animals have rights on one hand, and administer euthanasia to thousands of stray pets with the other. Fuck ‘em. They deserve to have their money outright stolen as far as I’m concerned. Every other animal rights group you can

You have a higher chance of death from falling out of your bed than you do of being killed by an immigrant. 

I agree, the picture makes me feel very uncomfortable. Just have her dress and look like a normal 12/13 year old instead of that squicky sexualized look.

the space military, duh

Ahh so a problem with out of time and place. Thank you.

It’s okay. She became the Cavalry.

Maybe its just because I am a curmudgeonly old bibliophile, but I do not trust people who openly profess that they don’t read books.

This is absolutely mind-boggling to me. Normal adults often don’t even have time for a few minutes of television daily and THIS IS OUR PRESIDENT (?!). I will also just never get over the fact that the man who holds the most important office in the world tweets infantile word detritus to the tune of 140 characters

... which sets off a chain of events that lead to Inferno.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

Stephen King’s “The Dead Zone”. Awesome flick.

There is nothing emotionally fragile about fearing emvironmental destruction and fast moving authoritarianism.

Unrelated, but can someone make a movie where her and Hayley Atwell kick ass and take names?


Warm, warm, warm.. cold as fuck.

That would make her just as bad as Hydra!

Hope no one punches Hydra Cap, that would be wrong.