
I’d say feed it to cows but then what will we do with all the Skittles that aren’t good looking enough to sell?

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

God bless them, yes they are. You’re welcome to not watch that night...I bet you’re fun at parties.


I’m seeing conflicting reports:

It’s expressly dystopian, dude. Some fun interactions and particular characters aside, it’s decidedly a darker future/dimension. Not as dark as, say, The Road, but definitely a more somber and grim tone.

What I like about this post is that you’re successfully re-establishing your brand as one of the best Deadspin commenters to a whole new demographic of workshy masturbators.

“to help launch our brand into the market...”

Not only that, but a regular comic series that’s been going since the original release. There’s a whole five years time skip at the start of Injustice, and the comics have been telling that story.

Shout out to Netherrealm and their last few releases for making fighting game stories relevant again

Hell yeah Poison Ivy

Oh oh! I never get to use this one!

Love it. You all get your union?

GQ is also killing it with Keith Olberman on their youtube channel.

Buzzfeed, Teen Vogue & Cosmo are hard hitting journalistic outlets now. Let that sink in.

As an aside, I hope this disposes of anyone’s positive thoughts toward Lindsay Graham. We had fun last year imagining him to be our kooky, effeminate uncle whose views we disagree with, but damned if we don’t love him, but truth is, he’s just as bad as the rest of them tripping all over themselves to kiss Trump’s feet.

Until there’s a bit of a budget snafu and food funding is insufficient.

Wasnt there a concept for an Olympic Island similar to this?