
Fuck Spring. I like being able to breath, so give me the depths of Winter, when everything is nice and dead.

I’ve been DMing a Starfinder game for some of my friends lately... it was my first ever DM experience. I jumped straight in with custom-making a campaign myself, which has been fun albeit a little rocky. I’m still trying to get that balance of “give everyone something cool to do”, but it’s been pretty fun so far!

I would love a Switch port of 4, or even 3.

Okay, that one’s more of a personal headcanon, but I still think Maeve’s the only one who’s achieved consciousness at this point.

If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in The Hundred Acre Wood, and you’re already dead! Piglet, what we do in life, echoes in eternity.

That’s pretty much what it was in the EU, since it ran dangerously close to “The Maw”, a cluster of black holes (that was hiding a secret Imperial R&D facility and a prototype Death Star, but that’s besides the point). Han was able to plot a course that got closer to those black holes than anyone else, therefore

I feel like Disney’s offer is still better, since as soon as they aquire Fox, that $52 billion in Stock increases in value, whereas the cash is nice in the short-term, but also devalues over time due to inflation...

It’s tough to see them give Fitz a heroes death when they never really grappled with his outright villainy this season.

There’s an air of Classic Magic about the whole design

Why do basically anything this half of Arrow has done, though? Why introduce a supercriminal organization that literally nobody has heard of before, despite them apparently “owning” crime? And then basically kill them all off? Why take some random lackey and turn him into the new supervillain? Why take the Star City

Also, ugh. I like the actor, but Diaz is maybe the worst villain so far. Getting another half-season or more of him is making me seriously consider not watching this show anymore.

So, like, that “Longbow Hunters” thing was literally just a callout to the classic Green Arrow storyline? Like, nothing else actually came of that, right? Or are they gonna suddenly show up next season?

West Coasters’ funding all comes from the reality TV show they’re participating in.

Maybe we’ve gone too far. The internet sounded like a good idea, but clearly we were mistaken.

Pretty much, but with simulated murder.

I’m pretty sure the “weapon” is just all the collected DNA and Data that Delos has gathered. Dolores plans to release it to the world, apparently plunging Humanity into a moral panic, or at least building support amongst humans for her own AI Revolution.

Considering this was Syd Barrett’s episode, I’m a little disappointed the soundtrack lacked any Pink Floyd.

I appreciate that while Storm is in Wakanda re-claiming her Goddesshood, she’s also in X-Men Gold, reclaiming her Goddesshood via Stormcaster returning to her. Apparently, Marvel is all-in on Storm being a Goddess again.


That’s not the question that was asked.