
I mean, if you’ve watched any of the trailers, you know the answer to that is yes.

This really has been an educational thread!

He’s actually a Soviet Organic Chemist of some note, if you wanna read a real short wikipedia entry on him:

“If dinosaurs were real, would you bone them or would they bone you? An in-depth look.”
Found ya.

I’m assuming he isn’t dead, despite being blown up from the inside. I’m getting the feeling he just can’t be killed anymore.

It seemed like she had free reign of the DEO for some reason, and was constantly lampshading it, too.

I mean, Han does shoot first, so I guess it makes sense.

So like, this was the best overall season of any CW Arrowverse show, right? Like, maaaaaybe Season 1 Flash, but still, this was all-fun, didn’t drag, and that finale pulled together just about every thread the preceding season had set out there.

Helen of Themyscira, Alt-Reality Kuasa (who is apparently also Part-Time

Well, we know it wasn’t Khorne-Tzeentch, that’s for sure.

The grammar in that Avenger’s Station... post? Release? is off, right? It has that weird, almost-right-but-not-quite feel of something written by someone whose first language definitely isn’t English.

Nah, it’ll be Khorne. Votes for the Vote God!

The weird PA voice in the background often seemed to be queuing things up, as well. Like, it’d announce a new symptom, and then somebody would display that symptom immediately. Like, they announced something along the lines of “depression” right before we saw Melanie for the first time, and another time, in the lunch

Thanks, I legitimately could not remember. Although apparently the case is still pending, which is impressive considering the quickie trial Barry got for apparent homicide.

Yeah, the show’s been on a real downward trend, and it seems to be bringing Flash with it. Thankfully, Legends is still fun as hell.

They also handled this way better than Arrow’s sorta-ongoing “Ollie’s being investigated by the FBI” plot that... has just been hanging in the background this whole season of Arrow? Like, what’s even going on with that FBI agent at this point?

Yeah, but curry smells fucking delicious, so I don’t really see the parallel here...

Not to discount anyone’s emotional attachments here, but I personally refuse to believe this was anything other than an excuse to not use protection.

I mean, he was.

Man, this series was really so much better than expected.

Yeah, there’s no way that person in the red coat isn’t dead. Like, you can’t tell me they survived being folded through a stack of chairs at 20 MPH.