
I prefer, “Imprison All Domestic Abusers Now”.

You should mount that above the center exhaust so it flaps around for maximum effect.

I have had absolutely no issue with simply saying “Alexa, stop” to cancel any alarm or timer. It works just fine for me, ever since I bought my first Echo Dot. Yes, having to lower the TV volume if it is loud can be an issue, but that is an issue with loud background noise in general.

At some point you just have to let go.

I don’t even bother with e-mail anymore (aside from a few things).

Just start firing all of these people giving out these damn things.

Ah, good to know it was posted there. I’m going to check it out right now.

Pressure indeed. Perhaps he’ll be out sooner than we think as among other things, Trump evidently said McMaster “talks too much in meetings”!

I wonder if McMaster could have simply resigned from the Army to avoid having to serve in the current administration?

I prefer “intensely stupid.”

I’m a dude but found this detail particularly horrifying: “his wife’s tumor had essentially be ground up by the morcellator, spreading malignant cells throughout her abdomen.”

My Compaq Presario 978CDTV came with a keyboard that is very similar to this. I got that computer in 1995. I still use that keyboard.

I’m right-handed but I have been using my left hand to mouse since I got my first computer in 1995. Way back then, when I got into playing first person shooters, I naturally assumed the arrow keys were ideal for movement and the mouse for aim. This method also lets me easily use the home/end/etc. keys above the

Well I am in the US and rear fogs are uncommon but it drives me nuts that they are actually present in the car but currently are not usable. I have seen some imports with red lenses where fogs would be but the lens housing is empty.

I have something like that too, but it’s even worse! All 2013 MINI Cooper came with standard Bluetooth for phone connection (but not music, just phone voice audio) and there is an illuminated button on the steering wheel that is supposed to be for voice dialing when you press it. If you don’t have the MINI Connected

“Stop pointing at people”

Best of luck!

My MINI came with rear fog light housings, (2 lights, one side on the bumper cover), bulbs in the housings, and a complete wiring harness for said pair of rear fog lights. However, the toggle switch for the rear fog lights is missing. Granted, the car was not specced by the whoever initially ordered it for rear fogs,

Oh so you don’t enjoy removing various parts and trying very hard not to crack other parts just to get at the oil filter?
