
Episodes 3 and 4 were released online at as well. You can watch all 4 right now.

The difference of course is that...

I’m expecting him to point and give a thumbs up while he’s there.

Speaking of his being tired already (“exhaustion” as someone said), can you think of any recent president who was described as being exhausted so early in a foreign trip? I mean, Bush the Elder was unsettled and sick all over the Japanese prime minister, but that was near the end of the trip.

No provision for a number pad, no deal.

Good for her! Shame the whole class didn’t attend. I’d love to see video of Pence there with no one to listen to him.

I can’t recall any comments Trump has made about his youngest son other than he was good with computers. He certainly does not speak of him with the same warmth, love and interest as Obama did of his children.

Now playing

I’ve always been partial to the Starsky & Hutch Season 1 theme by Lalo Schifrin:

Yet he is permitted to drive.

Never saw it. Had no interest. But I do remember that the songs from the movie seemed to be on the radio *constantly.*

Trump somehow looked even more red-faced during that appearance and sounded out of breath. Sad.

“We are richer for having lost him.”

And all I ever think when seeing a bike like that is that a panel had to be replaced and a matching one could not be found.

Lots of things our bodies do as nature “intended” are less than appealing if left unchecked. Down with unibrows!

I have the ultimate edition as well and have been playing it nearly every day since it came out.

Yeah, as much of a pain in the ass as it is to get glass replaced, that would be the least of my concern (assuming I wasn’t driving at the moment) than all the body damage would be.

No apology necessary and I totally agree: I’m hoping for much better things from this than GITS. That film was nice to look at, but that was about all I enjoyed.

The sequel is not being directed by Ridley Scott.