
Those are Art Deco wands you heathens. They are pure representations of the style of the era the movie is set in. Think of the Empire State Building main hall and translate that entire gorgeous scenery into one elegant wand. Doesn’t it just make sense?  

Finally a remedy for my parents’ lack of basic understanding of the phrase “Don’t open unknown emails and don’t download free games without prior knowledge of the host sites”.

Plow into the moose they said. It will be fine they said...

Poor old guy is gonna get left out.

The only beef that I have with the new miata is the lights that make the whole front of the car look like an angry Korean guy. One of the most striking features of the old miata was the friendly rounded up fronts. It just had this peculiar attraction. Now it has become a run of the mill angry looking Asian car.

That headstab though. Hmmmmmm. Hopefully its rated something better than PG13.

This is the most simplistic and shallow article I have ever seen with the most rancid demeanor towards a class of professionals who might have sacrificed countless hours in order to achieve the $16+ Billion covering the rights of the owners and state penalties. It is this kind of simplification that creates negative

Amen. Did you guys also have the added communist feature and option of “if you third cousin twice removed did some small stupid shit and was judged for agitation and propaganda, his whole immediate and far flung family were deported to a god forsaken patch of dirt to do hard labor and survive on grass and rocks, as e

Min 01:56 of the trailer. It does make sense that he would be a baby though.

Did I see Poe Dameron somewhere between the scenes, or did my eyes just lie to me?

Wait, is it a him, or is it a her? Things are getting confusing with the twitter handle and pics and everything. Is it wrong to make this honest question?

That concept art is so f**ked up. Looks like one of those Skinnies from the Starship Troopers CGI series. Was the graphics guy paid in burritos?

I have been reading/watching the manga/anime for the better part of 12 years now and I am hitting fatherhood soon. On one hand I wish he gave greater quality to the overall tone of the series (something the last chapters have been lacking). And possibly end it sometimes soon, or I will be reading it soon enough with

More like way to kill yourself into a deep slumber. I can’t even reach the 30 minute mark on this movie without changing the channel or hitting the sack. God, it is a boring “storyline”.

Ah, the miracle of immaculate conception. Gohan truly is the son of God!

I loved Raphael Saadiq’s tracks, but I don’t seem to be able to find the title of the second song he is singing. (the gangbang coverture part).

Why the hell did they make the LRD look like a morbidly obese Evoque? The blocky look was the only thing that made it stand out from the other LR and RR models. That and the myriad of technical and engine problems.

You wanna step on me? Now I step on your shit.- mountain probably

Fully agree on Gintama. The voice acting is so on point that the anime feels complete in itself, even without the need of the manga.