
Sigh... Here’s your star punmaster.

Well, this was a rollercoaster of Trump-ish to sometimes Fyre Festival facade driven tweets, culminating with the ardent expertise of a first year poly science major. Dude seems to have the thought consistency of John Mcafee.

My dad has had a 2004 3.2 litre Pajero since 2004. Still kicks ass as a mule. I learnt how to drive with that car. It has a special place in my heart. That said, f**k the fuel pump and its ridiculous pricing!!! By now, cost even more than buying a used Pajero.

In the latin market it’s called montero due to the “wanker” thingy. Still don’t know why they call it shogun in the UK. 

I have a 2004 3.2 DID, and still can’t believe the new version is still alive. Such a shame they brought a great car to its knees and nerfed it compared to the Toyotas and Nissans. Amazing car. Sill that 3-4k fuel pump is a gutpunch when it fails.

Saw the title of the article. First thought was “some lucky guy might have been first to comment with the Seinfeld vid and now basks in the fake internet points glory”.

Strasbourg. 2015. Sometimes in April. Noon. French middleaged-ish woman on a grey Citroen C4 going the wrong way on the A35. Shit you not she was flashing her headlights at people going down the road ON THE RIGHT WAY. Still can’t believe what I saw.

2 mil for a rebadged Z4. Hmmmmmmm. BMW has definitely upped its game. 

Don’t know why a lot of people I know hated on the hatchback STI. I kinda dig it. Tried it once, seemed very nimble and great for the city

You can discern the nature and severity of crisis a country is in, by the value usually mundane and ordinary objects hold in tough times.

At least now you can call them wholeheartedly “trucks”, since they are becoming little by little full truck-size. I live in Europe and my dad has a 2004 Mitsubishi Pajero. Personally don’t use it other than for holidays, because it is a pain to find parking and move around. Used to think the thing was too big until I

This is terrifying at least. Just like an episode out of the Twilight Zone, or that Orville episode where society was run based on a like/dislike system. 

Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Baltic states and back south through Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, with a J80 Land Cruiser or a W123 Benz. Those things are tanks. 

The only question I have about this whole “ordeal” is, if it is illegal. I know it might (an I am stretching it here a little) be immoral, but is it illegal? We have the same thing going over in Europe. Paris is flooded with exotic cars bearing either Hamburg or temporary German plates due to substantially lower fees

Crewman - I bet you can’t find anyone roaming in this part of the ocean.

Crude Oil, Lagaan, Come and See and There will be Blood.

The MK4 was a shitbox in itself, but it was so widespread in Europe, that cheap parts made up for its unreliability. I had mine for 2 years, until I got tired of having biweekly dates with the mechanic, however cheap they were.

6 Years ago. Switzerland. An immaculate Jet black 2001 E39 M5 with 80k miles on the odometer, for just 13.000 Euros. Wanted to buy it and daily it in France, where I was stationed for 4 years. Insurance undermined me. I would either not be eligible for insurance in most providers, or pay up to 300 Euros a month for

I love the cars Singer produces an this is a jewel on its own and anybody would be lucky to have it, but weirdly enough I like the mate green and red interior configuration of last year better.

Boo Fu**ing Hoo. Also,