I bet you he had this planned before...not to take anything from him for going through with it. When you live in possible peril everyday, you take time to think of Plan B, C, D...
I bet you he had this planned before...not to take anything from him for going through with it. When you live in possible peril everyday, you take time to think of Plan B, C, D...
A true juicy conspiracy will be a Chinese foreign student who worked his ass off to be the next great software engineer working for Google, was treated badly and never got laid, slaving away at some voice recognition thing that was secretly being financed by the US government. One day, he couldn't take the fact that…
She's an actress...she hammed it up for nerds...others do a sex tape...and now she's on network TV.
This Olivia Munn thing...along with smart women looking good etc...
everyday...all day long...cuz without the CIA or FBI, we wouldn't enjoy the kind of peace we now have planet wide...
They're trying to round-about-ly say, "It wasn't me! It's the other Del Monte. The one that doesn't sell to Gizmodo readers! And please don't embarass us further by pointing out that unlike our vast conglomerate that doesn't know its left hand from its face by this public facepalm, we also have no idea that Gizmodo…
2.5 years and they didn't even do the dirty and he already paid her $200K? Does he have a sister? LOL
I like the acknowledgement regarding the re-print status of this article. Keep it up.
Mr. Biddle...Tim Horton's is the appropriate coffe outlet where one can end sentences with "eh", usually followed by a please or thank you...otherwise, at your American's Dunkin Donuts, you can end your order, without "eh", please or thank you.
If my goal is to escape harm, the last thing I want to do is wait til the bear is within range to use this effectively.
Humanity...I love you...sometimes.
This article reads like a proper piece of journalistic reporting...and almost makes yesterday's rant about Win7 tablets an afterthought that got published first.
I'm building a CarPC...until Android, Chrome or some form i/OSx have the type of support that Windows 7 has for everyday customization with programs like Centrafuse, Garmin Mobile, and my other datalogging and track video overlay software (MaxQData, Cobb AccessTuner, etc.), I don't think Windows in its various forms…
they really should use this to clear up near earth orbits of space junk.
@Armuun: but it's got an "i" before it...that alone is worth $29...before shipping.
@DWOHIO: surprised that shit sometimes floats to the top eh?
yeah...peace on earth is pretty boring...