@Ray Wert: C&D recently did a handling comparsion...the last one was like 10 yrs ago...and they're ok with it.
@Ray Wert: C&D recently did a handling comparsion...the last one was like 10 yrs ago...and they're ok with it.
I'd consider trading my Mazdaspeed3 for an upscale sleeper. This one in particuler!
@TeeJayDM: also a great gift for bad passengers.
This "gift guide" sounds like the rant of a cynical car-less and license-less backseat driver...
@The5thElephant: I'd like to know how much energy it takes to trap the anti-matter...is it an energy deficit and will continue to be forever more?
@Parge_Lenis: dude...the one in the middle is the shocker...
@romevi04: the peace sign usb thumb drive is fitting.
Humans need to go to space, but not for the sole (pun may or may not be intended) purpose of laying down human foot prints for TV ratings...come on!
@MifuneT: nothing says fast like you're about to catch fire...
this looks great for the mildly disabled and hipsters.
can it build/rebuild itself?
ohhh...if only it was a closed loop system...
@Sidetalker: I am pretty sure that is the case.
My alarm is set @ 6.50am every weekday. I even double checked it last night. It did not go off today until the clock was @ 7.50am. I was not late, cuz I usually get up on my own before the alarm clock rang, and when it rang while I was in the shower, I was sure I'm a victim of this bug.
Big up to Canadians! And I race at Cayuga...the drag strip and the road course!
@shenanigans: ...when in fact, the CIA was targetting some random dude wearing sheets, conveniently standing about 40' from the IISi's office...
This is when, "There's an app for that," and "I got that off the torrents," really fuck up your bottomline.