As a women's studies major who specialized in social movements I am beyond ashamed I didn't know this. I wholeheartedly agree with Squire's analysis, too often women, especially women of color are overlooked by history and its victors
As a women's studies major who specialized in social movements I am beyond ashamed I didn't know this. I wholeheartedly agree with Squire's analysis, too often women, especially women of color are overlooked by history and its victors
It's stupid that anytime woman violence or abuse is mentioned in Middle East or Africa that it's Islam fault when it gives woman purposely the highest position in society. The mother is placed on a pedestal above a father and the teaching it gives on respecting women.
I'm a muslim woman and I can attest that the pedestal thing is a load of crap. You get some respect in a muslim society as a woman only if you conform to a certain standard. Step out of it and you have a bullseye on your head.
You're right to point out that FGM is not solely a problem of Muslim culture, but that woman-on-a-pedestal crap is complete horseshit.
I'm a Muslim and I can personally vouch that I never had even heard of this procedure and there's no mention of it anywhere in Islam. If anything the most we are encouraged to do is get baby boys circumcised for medical purposes. It's stupid that anytime woman violence or abuse is mentioned in Middle East or Africa…
I mean, idk but having so many corgis that I could conceivably trip on one seems like the opposite of a problem.
Facebook was down on monday? I didn't even notice and for that, i'm proud of myself.
My mom cut her knee so badly the first time she shaved her legs, she needed stitches. She was so embarrassed, she did them herself, with dental floss and a sewing needle. She taught me the art of shaving legs, while also saying but don't do it unless you want to. She's awesome. And also a great nurse!
I was reading this aloud to my wife and I got to the part about Fantastic Sam's, and my wife just gasped. Then she shouted out, "Winner!" I hadn't even gotten to the bit about how it only straightened in the middle. I'm from Canada, eh, so I don't know why the words 'afro' and 'Fantastic Sam's' in the same story…
THIS WAS MY STORY. But I did it as a grown-up. I use retin a for wrinkles, and had gotten waxed and it never was an issues, until this ONE TIME (I must have used it too close to the wax time) when it ripped off ALL THE SKIN OFF under and above my eyebrows, and EVEN BETTER- My entire upper lip. So I had no mustache.…
My mother decided that nothing would be prettier than a semi permanent bright red rinse in my ginger hair. So she walked in and squirted it on me WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER.
Knees are hard.
At the tender age of 10, aka the what the fuck is happening to my body era, I decided I wanted to learn what it was like to shave my legs. So I waited until my parents weren't home and I was babysitting my 5 year old little brother. I was a horrible babysitter because I decided this was the best time to lock myself in…
I have stick straight hair and wore it long with bangs from age 3-13. In the late 80s/early 90s my mother thought it would be cute to perm just the bangs. I repeat: just the bangs. She did this to me and my younger sister not once but twice and still defends the decision to this day. The pictures are too atrocious to…
THIS IS THE BEST NEWS!! so excited for this sideblog.
I'm not a doctor which is why I commented to seek out one but taping, filing or otherwise obfuscating brand names (seeking symmetry and order) could be a sign, an early one, of OCD.
No. I'll simplify this discussion for you. I see behavior which compels a person to tape over brand names or file or otherwise destroy them. That possibly could described as an untreated OCD which could be affecting quality of life. I offered advice to seek professional help to make that diagnosis.
Right? Or if you wanted to get a McBlurry or something
Starts out innocently enough... then you start seeing what you aren't supposed to see.