
Appellate judges? Even Judge Milan (People’s Court, my favorite)  and Judge Judy don’t let litigants get away with that. He knows better but his sense of entitlement didn’t care. He’s still trying to make the cool guys laugh. 

Lets dig up her dead body and put it in a tent and charge people five bucks to poke it with a car antenna.

I am so incredible sorry for your loss and the terrible treatment you have endured because you kindly let your little girl be free.

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

Jesus. He’s a fucking brat.

Fuck him. He had better be heading to jail after this and I hope he lives a long life.

GRANT: You trained raptors? That’s amazing! Did you learn to mimic their vocalizations? Because I studied their nasal cavities for years and was finally able to—

Tell me again how he was gasping for air...

"You're not being sex positive!" Umm, fuck off. I like my shit drama-free. My husband and I fucking Tom, Dick, Harry, Alice Rita, Sue and Bob too seems like it would be pretty fucking dramatic. I like fucking one guy, he likes fucking one woman. Boom! Sex positive.

No gay person I've ever met has claimed that his homosexuality was THE only correct and natural way for any human to be. That's something I've only heard from preachy poly and bisexual people. "I don't discriminate by gender. All I see is human beings." Um, great, but I've only ever wanted to fuck men. Guess I'm just

every single article i have read about poly is basically a list of why it is ok.

I couldn't really give a shit less about how people want to live their lives as long as they're all consenting adults, don't damage each other and leave me the fuck out of it.

I find that poly people come in two main categories in the same way that atheists do. There's the ones who that's just who they are and the there's the ones who won't shut up about how enlightened and superior they are because of it. "I don't really believe in anything." vs "I don't believe in some Zombie Jew like

Kink shaming! Kink shaming! Oppressor! Seriously it's just a big group of attention whores with poor boundaries. It's hilarious when their "arrangements" implode.

Yeahno. Because "poly acceptance" usually comes with a heavy side (or main dish) of "poor, deluded, insecure monogamous people. They are so uptight and not in touch with their secshualiteee."

Ever notice poly people tend to be the kind of people you wouldn't want to fuck anyway?

Polyamory is deeply stigmatized

Have gay people ever used the logic that evolution shows you that "actually we were always meant to be gay and science is on my side"? I think that is the tone / type of comment that a lot of people here are objecting to.

Except in every instance they present evidence as if there is a specific way we should be. The argument that there is a "proper way" of being in a relationship is exactly what causes them to be ostracized.

I love vanilla! One of my favorite flavors. Why do people insist on denigrating vanilla? It's sweet and subtle with a scent that evokes tranquility and warmth. Kind of like my long, loving, monogamous marriage, actually.