I'll take a photo bomb over a suicide bomb any day
I'll take a photo bomb over a suicide bomb any day
It's like some weird combination of "Mean Girls" and tense, bloody international politics.
Wouldn't it be fantastic if Miss Lebanon sent a big fuck you and said yes, I'm promoting world peace and gave Miss Israel a giant hug? Sure, she wouldn't be able to go home, but I dream of a world where women change it by shoving the hate away.
Miss Lebanon didn't even spell "Israel" right in her stupid fucking post.
How do none of these mamas have stretch marks? What did I do wrong? I know I know, love your body blah blah blah, God I am furious with envy. I'm sorry, but I am.
Whelp, I was going to hang out in my sexy sexy sex pants (stained in not one, but two places with Nutella) and watch season two of The Fall while my daughter is at a sleepover, but I guess I'd better change. Perhaps I can find some non-lustful dungarees somewhere. I mean, it's just me and the dogs here, but you never…
Christian blogger and Oregon mom, Veronica Partridge, took her struggle over whether or not to wear leggings to the…
Wasn't it Agatha Christie who said "Every murderer is someone's old friend?"
Ugh. Yes. Once your kid rapes a drunk girl who is puking AND RECORDS IT he is no longer a good kid.
Speaking of vomiting... Are we really supposed to believe that this kid saw Rehtaeh vomiting out a window and believed her to be capable of consenting to sex? What? Who would think "I know she just threw up from alcohol, but she's not stopping me so she must be into it?"
Just the fact that he would say that speaks to something lacking in his brain, you know? She threw up out a fucking window and this kid is trying to say they were in the groove? What the fuck is a groove to him? It's sooo belittling and dismissive and just fucking gross. So gross.
"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."
Yeah there's the "kid got busted drinking in the park with his friends" and then there's "kid rapes a girl and takes a photo" ... not QUITE the same thing.
while his parents defend him as a good kid "who's made some mistakes."
"We were in the groove." I want to vomit.
"And both girls died in a car accident on prom night" is what really did me in.
Hopefully those two crazy gals never get a hold of some reefer! That stuff will really cook your goose!
my username is perfect for this.
When I pitched this yesterday, Kate told me it didn't sound so bad so I was going to ship one of these envelopes to her. Emma forbade it because the people who clean shouldn't have to deal with it. She also refused to give me Kate's home address, so I'm having a meeting with HR next week about hostile working…
Yet my online business http://shipyourenemiesspiders.com/ languishes.