in re: requested memo-
The family of Vanessa Collier came together on Saturday to mourn her loss at New Hope Ministries, a church in…
She brutally mutilated him and then was allowed into his hospital room? How did she get anywhere near him? How come her scissors were so sharp? Mine don't even cut hair. Can you get a penis prosthesis? Can they grow one on the back of a mouse? I have many questions.
Cut my penis of once, shame on you. Cut my penis off twice...QUIT CUTTING MY PENIS OFF!!!
I got my first chin hair when I was 26. I'm 31 now, and while it's still my only chin hair, I won't deny that it makes me happy to have something to stroke while I ponder life's great mysteries over a glass of white wine with the cats.
No, we have manecks. With man in them.
it has become a problem for a generation of younger women
Oh here it is. Thanks, internet!
great piece! I'd love to see the portrait of her in costume.
Where are you that chicken breasts are $6/lb?! I mean, if you insist on only organic or buying locally sourced or somesuch. Or you live in Manhattan. Or if your only grocery store is 40 miles away and you're including gas...
God the fucking male entitlement just starts SO. EARLY.
As a CT native and a health care professional, this situation disturbs me. My college health care ethics course emphasized autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice as the four key tenets of medical ethics. This case and the behavior of the health care professionals involved doesn't seem to be doing a great…
It's almost like her whole goal is that kids get toxic and inaccurate information about sex.
I was talking to a girl (17) that already had 2 kids and pregnant with her 3rd. She didn't worry about HIV or anything like that, because she didn't do anal. Her words. She was home schooled. Being taught actual sex ed might have helped her and she sure as hell shouldn't be the one to teach her kids.
I learned from my pregnancy that all you need to do to argue for sex Ed is print out a few comments that women make on baby sites. Women that have reproduced several times, yet still do not understand how the basic reproductive parts work, let alone how to spell them or what they are actually called. It's very scary.…
I know it's the new year and we're supposed to be making resolutions and trying to be better people and whatever, but fuck it. I really, from the bottom of my heart, hope this woman gets hit by a bus.
What's hilarious is that even if she wants to think of it as "manners," she is being ridiculous by saying that schools DEF SHOULD NOT TEACH THAT ever. Like, other than the ABCs, WTF is kindergarten for if not to get kids used to interacting with other people in a respectful, somewhat socially acceptable way? These…