
Well, at the time, she was ridiculed for wanting to better herself intellectually. I think she was quite bright, but poorly educated. And I hate the contempt people have for her — she was smart enough to create a persona that has survived well past her death. That isn't the work of a stupid person.

Me too, but I also wish I could believe it was intellectual curiosity and not a constant attempt to overcome a sense of never being good enough, which is heartbreaking.

I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.

Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.

But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...

I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.

I once ate all the maraschino cherries at the bar and then threw them up in my grandma's bathtub.

I like this brand because it gives every indication of being boob-friendly. Off to browse.

I want to wear this dress and pretend to be a mermaid. Just like, around my house.

Is there a big rash of women seeking out and signing up for MRA sites, by the way? I personally avoid those assholes like doorknobs in flu season. It's some great loss for me I can't go to his shitty blog and read his insipid tripe?

Somewhere out there a guy is asked about his worst New Year's, and he regales them with the tale of being punched in the face at a skating rink.

In my small town the thing to do on New Years when you were a teen was to go to the skating rink and take part in a "Lock-In", where they lock the doors and you skate and "party" all night (which meant 1am).


Me, 100%.

This is the opinion of a sweatpants wearing fashion idiot, but it seems to me that, "objectively," the clothes that Alexa Chung wears are terrible. The only reason they're subjectively not terrible is because she is very thin, and cute, and "quirky" (had to swab my keyboard with alcohol after typing that word). It is

And again, there is no crime here.

so I read the first paragraph and then maybe one or two more sentences and I am already traumatized and kind of mad at you for even writing about this. Please, stop.