@Shini: R.O.A.C.H.: Psh...she needs a sexy voice like Alan Cumming
@Shini: R.O.A.C.H.: Psh...she needs a sexy voice like Alan Cumming
I want to know how they pulled a cast like that together for THIS movie....
I'm sorry, I can't past that article picture.
@Adhominem: *cough*ChampionsOnline*cough*
I do hope I have more than this to look forward to on my birthday...
Honestly, I wouldn't be ashamed to go to a maid cafe. I'm socially awkward and have a hard time making friends (and staying in touch).
Why is it that the first thing I pictured when I read this was a bunch of scientists going around breaking little monkey spines to be able to test this?
@Eldritch: IT AMAZING!
A side effect like Death in medicines isn't really that shocking anymore.
@Shiryu: God that is such a horrible horrible movie...I LOVE IT!
Just like every other hero game, I'm going to be spending most of my time in the character creation....
@Rhino Cremeans: I still think she has some connection to Ms. Fredricks....
@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): You're in my head again.
@Rhino Cremeans: I think she is going to be in the show more next season....well, I'm hoping at least.
@Smeagol92055: It may not have the right color, but for some reason when I looked at it I thought Rodimus too.
I don't really recall which I saw first, but I do know that I love both...Star Wars may have a bit more of a hold on me though...
@icarus.lnx: I want them all, but at $25 a pop I'll have to settle for my favorite characters shirt....when it appears on there...