
I will never not sing praises of this movie or its soundtrack. And I JUST realized the other day that it was Kay Hanley’s voice I’d been listening to all these years! (Also loved Letters To Cleo back in the day!)

So, I have a little fact for MOTW...

Nothing quite like cannibalism set to porn music!

So much this! *plays Never No More on his ipod*

Call me picky, and I LOVE the movie and reference it all the time, but how is Robot Jox a horror movie?

Been a while since I’ve bought a movie, but this one will be sitting right next to my VHS of Death Race 2000.

K-2S0 Had way more screen time and more than a horrid yell as dialogue.

I think the host in the basement is either going to be Theresa, Charlotte, Ellie, or Ford himself....

Season two was so amazing. I loved season 1, but damn...

Now let’s see it again when the batteries are low...

I feel like I hear something like this at least once every year or two....

I could add so many to this list...

Probably my biggest complaint about the whole show was that the time tables seemed really off. It felt like the whole thing took place inside a week after Pop’s died. That’s including the drive from Harlem to Savannah (I used to live in Savannah and moved to Chicago and the drive in not short). They could have spaced

I must be out of the loop because I haven’t seen this one. There were just about as many white people as I expected for something set in Harlem. How many did we really need? Half were good and half were corrupt.

Like outside underwear is vital to flying?

I really REALLY wish they’d change the Flash Crotch. I can’t look at that picture without my eyes automatically going to it...

I’m really enjoying it. Not just because it is, in fact, better than Nu52...

With the way Rebirth has been going, this gives me hope.

Now playing

Was Pluto and Venus for me. Love those the most.