
@Ash (Not From Pallet Town): I think the greatest part for them (as small as it was) was the part where she was telling Artie that his father was dying and Joshua walks by...I couldn't stop laughing at his reaction.

@Mike De Lucia: Leena was in the episode, but hardly at all.

I really wished Leena would have been in it more.

@MrGOH: Amy is, didn't you hear?

@Satki: I didn't read most of that because I haven't read the comic. But, I must say my favorite character by far is Dale...

@Edd White: And sharks don't prey on people....especially for revenge.

@Grimm808: Sadly, he has an iphone

I'm shocked at the lack of spy hunter...

@Timstuff: Yeah, Tali is the only one for me!

I can't express how much I wish I had enough money to throw away for that gun....that is amazing.

@collex: The more money you spend on something for a cat the less likely they are to care about it. They are evil that way.

@AgentCoop: Actually, the show was kind of a continuation of the movie.

@Jennifer Starling: I just rewatched Golden Compass on tv the other night and was sad thinking about the fact that they will not make a sequel to a movie that was genuinely better than that of a complete flop of a movie like Ghost Rider.

So when do the ice cube trays for this go on sale?

The only cringe worthy moment of this episode was the cells in the microscope...that was just painful