
Funny how it’s almost—almost—exclusively games about Medieval knights who look like Templar/have the whole ‘Deus Vult meme aesthetic’ going on that seem to bring this particular brand of “we’re just bitching about historical purity,” shithead out of the woodwork.

This is a really bad take.

They all look amazing so far. His hair looks really good. A lot better than the test picture they released months ago.

Keep in mind that this based on the books, not the video games, which take place way after the books do. 

I’m pretty much in the same boat. I liked the series better when it was a just a stealth action game. I love rpgs but I really think this new focus on levels and gear sorta ruined the core gameplay of the series. I’m happy they’re trying new things but AC is having a huge identity crisis atm, it doesn’t even feel like

being “about history” isn’t all that AC always was.  At no point does it feel like an AC game.  it plays differently, the story and plot are laid out differently, the base ideas for what makes AC and AC game aren’t there besides the fact that the game takes place in the past, stealth is a mechanic that exists, and

I just... can’t... get... behind... it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: They have moved so far away from what Assassin’s was that they’ve now ended up closer to The Witcher 3.

I can’t even call Kassandra or Bayek “assassins.” They’re just... really skilled soldiers. The assassination techniques and

They’re unfocused, repetitive, and mechanically shallow.  And the writing is perfunctory at best. 

I think Ezio is overall a better written character, and more interesting, but Kassandra does get some really good writing later in the game. 

I’m nearly the complete opposite. I’ve stopped caring about them because they moved so far from what the series used to be. Syndicate was the last one I bought and had any interest in.

I think this series has gone way to far off the rails to be saved.

Damn, it must suck to be an artist in 2019 when any of your artwork can be seen as “offensive”.


The show had declined in quality since diverging from the books, but the end of the Night King really tarnished the entire series. The build up of the white walkers over the last seven seasons seems wasted as does the lore behind them. I’m not sure what the point of Bran was except to tell John who he was & to get a

I’m interested to see if anyone has good counterpoints to this. I’m all for inclusiveness, but sports are designed around physical things—especially MMA—and there’s a reason why men and women are separated into different leagues for most of them. I’ve yet to hear an argument against it beyond, “they’re women, so they

Never been a fan of Rousey. Don’t like pugilism and she is a crime against acting.Having said that, as much as hate to agree with her, she is right about the transgender fighter.

how many of the developers are white nationalists

So it’s like a prettier, slightly less janky Chivalry?

It amazes me how many people don’t understand that the Night King is not what Game of Thrones is about.

Counter Argument: Fortnite is still not interesting to watch, like most Battle Royale games.

Oh no. What a monumental loss.

I really like the Joe Chill Night King face more than the current Night King face. The one pictured just seems more stately and smooth, like walking smoke out of a dream. The other’s just some guy.