
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies

“the game’s creators at Blizzard doesn’t seem to eye it too favorably.”

This is a huge reach.

Don’t you think that this has already been spoiled in its entirety by mentioning Terminator 2 and having a screenshot from the molten metal in the Forge area of Doom? Having a spoiler warning after that seems like it’s a bit too late.

Is that Witcher 1 armor Geralt is wearing?

Hardhome is one of the best parts of the series. You are wrong.

So Hardhome was garbage? What about daznaks pit? Last stand of Ser Barristan? Arya in Bravos??

Sigh......... Fans like you are the ones complaining how 250 item buffet has run out of butter!!

“If you’re the type of pizza eater that does not like crust...”

Except those simple mods and hex edits don’t work with MS’ dumbass UWP platform. There simply is no .exe to modify, and players are locked out of the basic files they would normally be able to tweak to improve performance. Google it, there have been plenty of scathing articles written about how awful the UWP platform

He researches, scripts, produces and edits his videos as cultural coment for the entertainment and education of people - and he does so under a Patreon agreement.
That’s called work or, as some economists might also call it; labour.
Labour for which he’s entitled remuneration.

I get addicted to RPGs like Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc., and to recent loot games like Destiny and The Division. But not Dark Souls. Dying so easily, so often, and for unknown reasons are huge turnoffs. I don’t mind a challenge — I love puzzles and trying to figure things out like in the Portal

If it’s anything like the last couple consoles it will be an underpowered system with a weird controller and very little 3rd party support and a handful of great 1st party games.

So yea, console limitations preventing that sort of thing, so no.

Some would say he’s still horrible. I wouldn’t know I don’t watch his vids.

“Don’t read the criticism if you know you’ll feel the need to start whining about it.”

the difference is i’m not wrong

game of thrones’ violence is awesome

“[...] and then using this and other moments like these as interrogation of the problems Tolkien fails to address.”

Anytime someone does the high-and-mighty “this is INFERIOR! to the way i orginally found it. I am the TRUE AND ULTIMATE fan you are inferior peons” I have to stop paying attention. I hate that nerd bullshit. The show is great. The books are fine too but they’re also boring as hell at times and terrible. And what kind

Or you could just buy the DVD when it comes out and save it till the book is out.