
The only person coming off salty as fuck here is you.

I think all of them

You should probably go back and watch ALL the Godzilla films minus the shit 70s ones where he became a parody.......Its funny as fuck that people cried about Godzilla not having enough Godzilla and how much they love the series. Yet in ALL of the films minus the super hero godzilla films they were all 30-40 minutes

Or finally starts... depending on how you look at it. He’s the best part, but if you removed the first 45 minutes of the movie, it wouldn’t change it at all.

I’ve got to say, the Campbell breakdown of the Ford’s specs fits in line with the general setup of the Codec calls from Metal Gear Solid pretty perfectly.

...and having Hayer say, “Fulton extract,” was a nice little jab, too.

That said (and I know I’m inviting criticism here—I don’t really care), fuck Kojima fifteen

If it isn’t worth all the drama then why contribute to it with a massive article like this one? Slow news week? The drama has pretty much completely died out by now. Why bring it up again?


We’re not talking about replacing a minor supporting character here. Hayter played the lead role in a famous pop culture franchise for more than a decade. Guys like that don’t get replaced against their will too often and you know it.

Entitled? Yes, after working on a franchise for 20 years and making this character an icon, I would feel ENTITLED to an explanation of why I was being replaced in its final chapter. I think the the creator would owe me that much since I helped him build his brand. You must be a conservative and also very young since

Not to mention that Hayter MADE THE SNAKE CHARACTER WHO HE IS. I've been playing Metal Gear games since 1998 and that's because Hayter voiced Snake. I did not buy V because Hayter was not the voice of Big Boss/Snake. Had Kojima explained to Hayter that he wanted to differentiate Boss from Snake, I'd be cool with that,

Someone in the comments section on Game Informer brought up an interesting point about all this.

It’s a shame he sees it like that. But then again, Kojima did basically drop out the guy who made the great soundtrack for the first MGS game just to get some medicore hollywood name for it.

But you can’t criticise Kojima because he’s this site’s Senpai.

The Animates Series was great for a cartoon, but in terms of cinematic adaptations the Nolan films have been the best so far.

I do have a soft spot for Batman ‘89 though.

Absolutely beautifully said. I find anyone that doesn’t like Jim as someone who takes him at complete face value. That guy is doing what some big video game review sites only wish they had the guts to do, he takes any company of any size to task for their bullshit. Whether that is small developers like DH or large

Jim being “bad at video games” isn’t enough to warrant a legal precedent that criticism is now equitable to libel or defamation of character.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.