
You mean emotionally broken people? Yeah what the hell.

It was never established in the movies before TFA. Which is all that matters.

Nope, there is no inverse of the dark side. The Jedi were never practitioners of the “light” side. Just “the force.” Before TFA “the light side” was never mentioned.

I hate how TFA establishes a “light” side of the force. The Jedi shouldn’t have a “side.” they just have the force. That’s it. And that’s how it always was at first. The dark side is what happens when you give in to your passions. NOT giving in to that means you’re at balance but you’re not in “tune” with the “light

I remember completing Kingdom Hearts II on my PS2 and being so hyped for Kingdom Hearts III....

It’s not a bad game, not at all. It’s really solid, it’s just not hitting that Doom mark. Those games felt very particular in control and gameplay. I think it’s probably harder to get down than people think. Or maybe they were just worried that today’s fps crowd is not into those games anymore and stuck more closely

It doesn’t even feel like a good Unreal game. They simply did not nail the Doom feel, nor the Quake/Unreal feel. It references things from those games and takes some mechanics and modernizes them in to something that feels too much removed from Doom. Those 3rdp finishers, like...what?

I haven’t seen the new show but these stills look really shitty. Does Super look this bad?

Now kiss.

If they could have told that story within 30 to 40 hours that would have been awesome. Instead it’s a 100+ hour slog with little bits and pieces of story sprinkled in between the massive amounts of fetch quests. All these western RPG’s are becoming huge bloated open-world affairs and it kinda sucks.


Poor Will.

Okay I don’t actually really watch porn anymore but those 3200x1600 180 headtracking Virtual Real Porn videos are legit amazing.

I want to like these games so. Damn. Much. But the isometric view in these games is just unbearable for me. Loved DA:Origins for example but played it entirely with 3rd person camera.

Mordhau’s turncap is set so that’s no longer possible.

Don’t. Buy. “Gaming.” Headsets.

What do you mean with “sliding?” Where do the character “slide” in Chivalry? They’re clearly walking, I can see them walk. Again, looks/gameplay. It can look fucking amazing for all I care, but if it’s just another basic canned animation style sword game it will lose interest in months. Chivalry is a 4 year old indie

I mean, then don’t be a viewer and go play it. When you play it, develop an understanding of it, get better at it. It become second nature, gameplay and fun should come before it “looking good” imo. And it look pretty great to me. Everything I’m seeing in this video is perfectly clear to me. It seems exactly like

Oh my god you are *so* wrong about the footwork that is required in these games. I’ve put over 1300 hours in to Chivalry and have been playing since it came out in 2012. Footwork is *everything* in these games. I’m sorry but you just have no idea what you’re saying here. Every step, every inch you give, every

Now playing

I’m not talking about about 1v2 fights. I’m talking about 1v5 fights and up. And you’re wrong, a skilled fighter target switches on the fly and is capable of taking on multiple opponents and prevents getting surrounded. You also can’t “dodge” attacks from 5 people all coming at you at the same time. You cc them, make