Yes and that system wouldnt work in a multiplayer setting. You dont “lock on” to a person in real life engagements either. You juggle all your opponents equally and maintain crowd controll for as long as you can. Every move counts.
Yes and that system wouldnt work in a multiplayer setting. You dont “lock on” to a person in real life engagements either. You juggle all your opponents equally and maintain crowd controll for as long as you can. Every move counts.
A deeper more involved combat system where the player has much more controll and agency over his attacks and footwork seems far more entertaining than using the X B Y attacks over and over again. The skill ceiling to something like Mordhau will be so much higher than games like For Honor. Sword fights arent about…
The problem is that For Honor has canned animations and doesn’t have direct swing manipulation like Chivalry and Mordhau here.
Lock on would be terrible because it would make multiple opponent engagements horrible. Target switching is a must.
“Cult melee game”? It had/has more players than most multiplayer games. This game is made mostly by ex-competitive chivalry players as well.
The one thing that bothers me about the unlocks is how long it takes to get the cool skins. I can play 2 to 3 games tops before burning out. I’m rank 26 now. I need to be rank 40 and have 17,000 credits to unlock the alien skins and imperial scout/shadow trooper skins. Fuck that shit.
*Reads comment, stares at Battlefront icon on desktop*
A cartoon adaption is probably a lot easier to pull off than a live action one.
I guess I haven’t checked in with Gametrailers long enough to know who any of those people are. That is NOT what I remember GT to be about. More personality driven bullshit.
The possibilities for map diversity are a lot bigger for a Star Wars game than a CoD game though. Look at BFII. Yet we’re getting that-other-Tattooine map instead of the plethora of other possible Star Wars maps out there.
Allow me to take the bait as well. I call bullshit on Jim being a “mouthy idiot” and “not a critic.” He is in my opinion a great critic, he is in fact one of the smartest and well spoken/written critics in the industry. He did not become this big by being a “mouthy idiot.” His work is witty, sharp as fuck and…
That article should change the word “realistic” with “fat.”
As in another from *Obsidian* isometric RPG’s suuuuuck. :[
I’m not saying it’s bad that these exsist. Just that I can’t get into them. I did gave Pillars a try, hated it. I hate isometric view, it’s insanely frustrating. There’s this interesting lush world filled with characters and stories I like but I’m this floating head in the sky observing it all from this weird…
Sigh, another isometric game....I just can’t get in to those. Love Obsidian though.
So how is it like to play the same map over and over again in the most bare bones Hitman game to date? Guess we’ll talk again when the next map get’s released, yuck.
This gave me some major Battle for Middle Earth vibes...I like it!
He did a great job on uploading all that music, very well uploaded. Great channel, good stuff.