
Pffff, this looks awful.

Stop, don’t do this. Don’t make it bigger than it is. These people feed off publicity, don’t give them a stage damn it!

Hahaha, ye...ah....wait.....a...another...launcher....?

For real! Max is the brood master!

They’re basic game features, swing-manipulation is key to what makes the combat good. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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The music is also great, I mean that last 1v1 with Ganon is just epic as fuck.

Solving mysteries and having adventures with Cerys on Skellige was awesome. She was totally into Geralt though. The constant questions about your relationship with Yen, how Yen was doing, how you were doing. Maybe that’s why she’s all the more memorable for it. Nothing really happened between the two. Cerys is really

As someone who edits film and is around cameras from time to time. I completely understand it and am fine with it. The director fills the screen in a 16:9 image, the idea that you could increase that to 21:9 without problems is just not possible. You can stretch it, but that’s it. So any cutscene or video in a game

That was beautiful, thanks for that. dieting and working out right now and that was a good motivational boost.

Here we are again with a nother PiewDiePiew article, sigh....

Damn Daniel? What?

Yup, Fringe picked up where the X-files stopped. But no one gave a shit. Great show, not as good as the X-files’ highs but overall more consistently good.

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Ahhh, The Conan soundtrack fits so well. Fantastic trailer.



No doubt. Everything Kojima does is interesting to some degree. He doesn’t do dull.

“Lots of freedom” and a “dramatic story” are hard to pull off, MGSV failed at that imo. Even Witcher 3 had trouble with the pacing of it’s main story because it was so god damn big. I really think a more linear game just works much better with story driven games. Hopefully he can make it work this time.

“we do have camel duels / fights.”

A Space exploration/RPG type game by Bethesda would be interesting. Think Star Wars Galaxies/Fallout 4/Mass Effect. Have a ship, a crew, and not have it be like Mass Effect where you warp from place to place. But really just fly around the vastness of space, visit planets, do quests, join factions, etc. A whole new