Boats in Minecraft, due to their durability (or lack thereof), have been nigh impossible (or at least highly aggravating) to use on anything but the open sea for years now. One player took to Reddit to vent a bit on the matter. And thank goodness he did.
Prepare to collect more “crystals” to unlock more “doors” ..... ........
Remember Sonic?
Pretty sure the track you’re mentioning isn’t actually composed for ME3 but existed before the game came out.
Well that was underwhelming. Like everything else about this game.
This fucking guy’s face keeps popping up on here! I don’t like it! Shooo!! Away with you!!
That moment when you’re in the throne room in Origins with the victorious music in the background and all your companions that you can talk to one last time while they’re partying was so bittersweet. Then the doors open and you just walk into the blinding light, off to new adventures.
Same, this does not seem to be much fun for very long.
What a bunch of tryhards, just enjoy the scenery and shoot some stormtroopers. Sjeez.
This got me pumped to play Destiny and I don’t even have the game or even own the console! *PSHHHHHHH* takes off helmet. “WE WILL NOT RUN OR HIDE!!!!!”
I would be fine with a live action adapted Piccolo that looked like this. He looks......real.
The setting and depth to the worlds Bethesda Game Studios create alone are way more interesting than the bland barren land you had in Dragons Dogma.
Why do they speak more about me? I’m definitely not the only one that had those issues with the game.
Wait, really? This game was a boring bland mess! I remember trying to play the main quest which confused the hell out of me so I tried doing some sidequests which just went fuckin nowhere. genuinely surprised people were waiting for this to come to PC. also the towns! Holy shit the towns were *awful.*
I’m still waiting for a sequel to Make Love Not Warcraft.